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my nuts! help..!


New member
so i'm about to start week six of ten on test e, and my nuts are about half the size they were when i started. just opinions since i've never done this before.. how much more shrinking should i expect, AND.. once i come off how long is average time before they should start to get back to normal??

ps. i did search for these answers.. i couldn't find them, so thats why i ask. thanks fellas.

also i am running nolva at 12mg/ed along with the test.
HCG do a search

Is there anything similar or a "close cousin" to HCG that is not ingectable? ... aka, something that will help the nuts on the same level as HCG but orally active? - curious for future reference. Thanks.

SgtSlaughter said:
Is there anything similar or a "close cousin" to HCG that is not ingectable? ... aka, something that will help the nuts on the same level as HCG but orally active? - curious for future reference. Thanks.


You do realize that orals are twice as hard on the liver as injectables right? So if you think you're being safer by avoiding a little pin prick, you're not. Orals make 2 passes through the liver-once on the way into your system and again on the way out. Injectables only make one pass-on the way out of the system. A steroid user that's afraid to use needles is as ridiculous as a lifeguard that's scared of the water. Just my 2 cc's.

As far as nut shrinkage goes-do you really care? Small nuts make your dick look bigger and make for a smaller target in a fight. I've never had any complaints from girls about small nuts either. When's the last time you ever heard the girls on Sex And The City talk about how much they love guys with huge hairy sweaty cowballs??? Why not??? Probably because girls don't want some giant sweaty testosterone teabag smothering them during 69. Girls I dated always talk about how they think nuts are gross-so I say enjoy it while it lasts.
BigCracker said:
You do realize that orals are twice as hard on the liver as injectables right? So if you think you're being safer by avoiding a little pin prick, you're not. Orals make 2 passes through the liver-once on the way into your system and again on the way out. Injectables only make one pass-on the way out of the system. A steroid user that's afraid to use needles is as ridiculous as a lifeguard that's scared of the water. Just my 2 cc's.

As far as nut shrinkage goes-do you really care? Small nuts make your dick look bigger and make for a smaller target in a fight. I've never had any complaints from girls about small nuts either. When's the last time you ever heard the girls on Sex And The City talk about how much they love guys with huge hairy sweaty cowballs??? Why not??? Probably because girls don't want some giant sweaty testosterone teabag smothering them during 69. Girls I dated always talk about how they think nuts are gross-so I say enjoy it while it lasts.

:FRlol: ^^
BigCracker said:
You do realize that orals are twice as hard on the liver as injectables right? So if you think you're being safer by avoiding a little pin prick, you're not. Orals make 2 passes through the liver-once on the way into your system and again on the way out. Injectables only make one pass-on the way out of the system. A steroid user that's afraid to use needles is as ridiculous as a lifeguard that's scared of the water. Just my 2 cc's.

As far as nut shrinkage goes-do you really care? Small nuts make your dick look bigger and make for a smaller target in a fight. I've never had any complaints from girls about small nuts either. When's the last time you ever heard the girls on Sex And The City talk about how much they love guys with huge hairy sweaty cowballs??? Why not??? Probably because girls don't want some giant sweaty testosterone teabag smothering them during 69. Girls I dated always talk about how they think nuts are gross-so I say enjoy it while it lasts.

LOL!!! I dunnp cracker, my girl says she likes my big balls slappin up against her clit when I'm hittin it from behind... But seriously, cracker has a point about the needles, you have to get past that if you are serious about AAS...
fivefold said:
LOL!!! I dunnp cracker, my girl says she likes my big balls slappin up against her clit when I'm hittin it from behind...

Try shoving your thumb in her ass instead-she'll forget all about your balls. She may not like it-but she'll forget about your balls. :p
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