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My and my friends are thinking of Juicin' it.. Input appreciated

notoriousQQ said:
In regards to juicin... I highly recommend doing it. Personally, cran-grape is my favorite and I drink it at least a couple mornings a week. I usually have orange juice as a part of my post work out smoothie everyday.
You're both a little young, but the more important thing is that I feel you haven't trained correctly and eaten correctly long enough to even consider steroids.

I say this because after 6 years of training and eating hard, you wouldn't be so tiny and your friend wouldn't be chubby. I am not busting on you, just trying to make you realize how fucking ridiculous it is for you to be even considering steroids. What is gonna happen? Your bench (which you probably don't even perform correctly) will go from 225-250?? Big fucking deal. Those numbers are just examples, but do you catch my drift????

My advice is to get steroids out of your head, reaearch the training board, look at the training stickies, see how the big dogs eat and live their lives, and then after 5 years of doing all of that, then begin to research and consider steroids.

I hope you don't take this this the wrong way, and I hope you listen to what everyone told you and either do things the right way or take up a new hobby, cause the outlook you display will get you NOWHERE real fast.

Oh yeah, welcome to the boards.
Here are a few basic questions

Do you
A) Squat heavy with good form
B) Deadlift Heavy with good Form
C) Military press heavy with good form
D) Row Heavy with good form
E) Do you train to a degree where there is nothing left in the tank
F) Is your diet good or real sloppy

If you say yes to all of these then maybe you are reeady
Save your money for food and taking your girlfriends out.

You guys are young and have plenty of testosterone floating in the system. If you choose this route, wait until you are closer to 30. For now, train like and animal, eat like a pig, and go find some dates.

There are a number of members on this board who are completetly natural who are bigger and stronger than the guys who juice it up.

Its all about hard work and dedication. . . not the chemicals.
Good sentiment Louden, inaccurate, but the thought was good.

Who is bigger and stronger than Mule, DBCooper, IronLion etc. . . ?

I have seen you go on about all these clean guys that are bigger and stronger than guys on the sauce, but I just don't see it.

But to the thread starter, you are way too young.

benchmonster said:
Good sentiment Louden, inaccurate, but the thought was good.

Who is bigger and stronger than Mule, DBCooper, IronLion etc. . . ?

I have seen you go on about all these clean guys that are bigger and stronger than guys on the sauce, but I just don't see it.

But to the thread starter, you are way too young.



I wasn't trying to start anything. . I was referring to 175lb - 200lb juicers who have less than 3 years training experience.

The conversation ends here.
NWinters said:
WAY TOO YOUNG!!!! you body is still producing a large amount of test. No need to start juicing till your 40.

I disagree, yet I agree you do have alot of test at that young of an age, but for some people its very very hard to put on size and to get cut up.

I would look into some anavar, fairly safe and it will get you hard and strong.

As for no needles, there arent many pills that will put lots of size on.

Dbol is a very popular pill and puts on some good size.
The bros are right. At 19 your body is producing a high amount of testosterone. You don't want to mess with your endocrine system at such an early age, otherwise it could lead to permanent damage. Juicing is not a joke and should not be taken lightly. There are serious side effects associated with it and it is not as easy as popping a couple of pills. Do yourself a favor, dedicate yourself to training hard, dieting right and educating yourself. Then around 25, if you've done all of those things and you've made serious natural gains, then maybe think about it. Taking the easy road is not the answer.
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