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Masteron VS Primo


New member
I know the question has probably been raised again, but let's go again..

Which is better, and why?

I'm assuming Primo will be a common answer for it's novel qualities.. but Masteron seems quite similar, on paper..
Mast and primo is actually very dissimilar contrary to what most people think.

Mast is a DHT-derivative while primo is a DHB (dihydroboldenone) derivative.

U don't grow very much on mast but get stronger, harder, more randy and more agressive.

Primo on the other hand is nothing but slow steady quality growth. No agression very little in the way of strength and no horniness. The reason that primo also makes u look hard is that the growth is pure muscle without fat and water.

Together those two compounds and a small test dose is very close to muscle heaven IMO.
Mast and primo is actually very dissimilar contrary to what most people think.

Mast is a DHT-derivative while primo is a DHB (dihydroboldenone) derivative.

U don't grow very much on mast but get stronger, harder, more randy and more agressive.

Primo on the other hand is nothing but slow steady quality growth. No agression very little in the way of strength and no horniness. The reason that primo also makes u look hard is that the growth is pure muscle without fat and water.

Together those two compounds and a small test dose is very close to muscle heaven IMO.

totally agree +1
I never tried mastron but i did primo twice and never was dissappointed. It make me look better than ever. I love the primo at 400mg and winny at 50mg e/d combo. I will later do this cycle for 16 week, winny only 7 weeks.
Mast and primo is actually very dissimilar contrary to what most people think.

Mast is a DHT-derivative while primo is a DHB (dihydroboldenone) derivative.

U don't grow very much on mast but get stronger, harder, more randy and more agressive.

Primo on the other hand is nothing but slow steady quality growth. No agression very little in the way of strength and no horniness. The reason that primo also makes u look hard is that the growth is pure muscle without fat and water.

Together those two compounds and a small test dose is very close to muscle heaven IMO.

BEST answer Ive seen in a long while!

right on!
Mast and primo is actually very dissimilar contrary to what most people think.

Mast is a DHT-derivative while primo is a DHB (dihydroboldenone) derivative.

U don't grow very much on mast but get stronger, harder, more randy and more agressive.

Primo on the other hand is nothing but slow steady quality growth. No agression very little in the way of strength and no horniness. The reason that primo also makes u look hard is that the growth is pure muscle without fat and water.

Together those two compounds and a small test dose is very close to muscle heaven IMO.

Yep. That pretty much sums it up.
So if doing a 12 week cycle
250mg Test E per week
500mg primo per week
? mast per week.

How much masteron would you put in there??
fark yea that looks like my winter cycle for sure!!!! :biggrin:
what about adding in 60mg/ed of var for last 4 weeks??? or is that over kill......
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