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masteron at 400mg a week

yeah i figured you saw nice hardness and vasc. its weird, some ppl say they get good strength from it and then others say they didn't. guess its all how one's body responds like usual
Prop, mast and NPP is the best!
Second best is Prop, mast and Tren Ace...
I ran it before with tren n test and it's been good to me... I recently ran it with just test and my joints were killing me not pos it was the mast doin it but in the future I'll take omegas advice n throw in a lil deca or eq
300 still give the benefits but 400 is even Better

would not run it past 500 because you get a little too dry from it.

On that cycle you will do it should be AWSOME
Why so much EQ though?

anything past 500 makes feel like a Alien lol

Agreed, 300 is the very min,400 is just right when running Test with it, Masterdon binds very well to the testosterone molecule.

this has been a good thread for me,'i was only going to run 200mg pw but will now do 400mg

1-4 dbol 50mg ED
1-12 eq 400mg split pins pw
1-12 Masteron 400mg split pw
1-14 sus250 500mg split pw

usual pct now 3 weeks after last test pin
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