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Ladies... please answer!

KillahBee said:
Numbers do matter, people. People's pasts are part of who they are. If someone was a whore in college it doesn't make her/him a whore now but it sure as fuck means they have that ability within them.


I guess I seem to find the girls that always ask that. I flat out say we are not having that discussion.
Every girl we run into leads to "did you have sex with her?"
Once again I decline.
I could care less how many guys a girl has been with. I don't want to know either...
Pelvic_Fuzz said:
I learned long a go not to ask questions I really don't want to know the answer to. If a chick is naive enough to ask me I'll tell her the truth, that I lost count. If the answer upsets her, then it's her fault for asking.

meaning that you'd be in a really bad situation if she asked how many men you have slept with :worried:
NJjuice22 said:
he is asking because in the real world not every lady is perfectly grounded and wonderful like the elite ladies. you girls are amazing...never jealous, dont care if your the 500th girl i fucked, in bed by 830 pm. wow...

I'd be pissed off if my partner was pissed at me for how many people I'd been with or other things about past relationships. So why would I turn around and do the same to them? The last thing most people want to think about is the person they love sleeping with other people.

If you ask and want to know, then be ready to deal with the answer. I've always been an open book if someone asked but I'm not sure it benefits in any way for a couple to discuss their former sex lives. That's not generally the most comfy topic.

And I was up until 9 last night thank you. I was up at 5. Some people are morning people and some are night people.
NJjuice22 said:
like i said..they are perfect here. perfect! :verygood:

Yes we are

Don't you wish you were an EF lady? :verygood:
nycgirl said:
What matters is today and tomorrow. Not who you slept with in 1994.

wrong. we are a product of our past. you cannot deny that. this does not mean we need to pay for the past or that people can't change, but if you ignore it, you are being short-sighted
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