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knowledge is power


New member
Use the search engine is the most common prescribed answer. I know it pisses off a lot of people when questions like "what is winny and what will it do for me?" are asked. All I ask from all the mods, vets, and newbies to bite their lip and give a good solid reply. Your answers mean a lot to those who ask the question. Just think of the reaction you set off. Your knowledge is a catalyst. The guy (or gal) who asked the question now has more knowledge than what they started off with. Most likely that info you gave to them goes to their friend or whoever they collaberate with and so on. Your answer does not just affect the person asking but others as well. Yes, alot can be used from the search but to many it is a lot easier and can mean more when their question is answered from others.

What I like about this board is the "open" that it it provides. Each question brings a lot of support and friendly debates. Just remember where you first started and know there are others who need a kick start.

By the way what is winny and what can it do for me?! j/k
shibby said:
Just think of the reaction you set off.

I agree. Just look at quickfx's post on respect. Wow the reaction he set off. Yes, there are a lot of dumb questions but mainly I think this board has quality everyday questions that we all have asked at some point in our life.

But do use the search it will save your ass.
Wait until you guys are here for another couple months and you'll see why the search button if the reply most give for redundent questions.
It also seems by the way you said it as if the people in the search aren't as qualified as most here now which it totally not the case. I spent a long time using the search once I found out about it and I still do constantly
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quicfx doesnt like me hahah

damn why doesnt he like my coments maybe because hes a :newbie: who can blame him :elephant: :frog: :jarswim: :jackbox: :licker: :luxlove: gotta love these heads
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