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just started anavar today

I got 50 pills of anavar and depends on the results im probobly gonna do 50 more
and i ordered a month worth of nolva i dont know how much that is
My cuzzin did anavar and he did nolva after so he told me how much to do and hes gonna get it for me but he only did 20mg a day of anavar and it worked ok for him i was just thinking maybe if i can do more then that
You know if you can get good results doing less, then you should. 25 mgs or less is a very small dose. And you really need to dose it half and then the other half 7 hours later.
Since your tabs are 20 mg, you may want to start out doing 40 mg a day, and see if you like the results you are getting. Every person can respond a little differently. If your body responds well to a lower dose, then what you have will last longer.

So instead of the 60 mg I stated earlier, consider running 40 mg a day - 20 mg for first dose and then 7 hours later do another 20 mgs. Run that for a couple weeks and see how you are responding.
if i can go down to 7-8% body fat bro i'll be so happy.... i hope the anavar helps a little bit
fuck im trying really hard too with my diet and cardio
i run on the treadmil every day for about 20-25 minutes after a hard workout....
lets see what happens
if i can go down to 7-8% body fat bro i'll be so happy.... i hope the anavar helps a little bit
fuck im trying really hard too with my diet and cardio
i run on the treadmil every day for about 20-25 minutes after a hard workout....
lets see what happens
IMO you should consider dropping the running. It can catabolize your muscles. If it is, and you stop you may gain some muscle mass. Having more muscle mass causes your body to burn more fat. So doing this could actually help you reduce your bodyfat.

And the reality is that a guy that is 193 lbs and 10% bodyfat does not look as lean as a guy that is 205 lbs and 12% bodyfat.

Im not saying to not do cardio at all. Do the stair stepper or walk on the treadmill at an incline. If you walk on an incline of 15 or so at 3.2 you will easily burn 12 calories a minute. So it's a slower burn and keeps your body from burning muscle.

The other option is to do HIIT -- Do one lifting exercise - all 4 sets if you do 4. Then go get on the treadmill and run for 2 minutes. Then go do your next exercise and do the 4 sets and then go run for 2 minutes. By doing this you keep your heart rate up during your lifting yet you arent running for as long so you shouldnt lose muscle mass.
IMO you should consider dropping the running. It can catabolize your muscles. If it is, and you stop you may gain some muscle mass. Having more muscle mass causes your body to burn more fat. So doing this could actually help you reduce your bodyfat.

And the reality is that a guy that is 193 lbs and 10% bodyfat does not look as lean as a guy that is 205 lbs and 12% bodyfat.

Im not saying to not do cardio at all. Do the stair stepper or walk on the treadmill at an incline. If you walk on an incline of 15 or so at 3.2 you will easily burn 12 calories a minute. So it's a slower burn and keeps your body from burning muscle.

The other option is to do HIIT -- Do one lifting exercise - all 4 sets if you do 4. Then go get on the treadmill and run for 2 minutes. Then go do your next exercise and do the 4 sets and then go run for 2 minutes. By doing this you keep your heart rate up during your lifting yet you arent running for as long so you shouldnt lose muscle mass.

I would like to disagree... respectfuly ovcourse...

I would have a light 15 min cardio 4 times a week. The anavar will help preserve the muscle while cutting to let you away with this. 60mg a day. 30 in the mroning 30 before your workout. Without more cardio I doubt you will make 7-8% BF on anavar alone. Run your cycle 8-10 weeks but I would update your PCT also as it is weak.
i never thought of it like that
im defenetly gonna slow down on the running... i was doing like 20 min on 5.0 speed 3.0 incline... so it was more of a jog.... but i'll switch it up i'll hit the stairs and the bike a little bit... just to see what happens :)
thanks bro
by the way i also take MULTI VITAMINS and these other pills i got in GNC called CLA/ALC all in the morning... is it safe to do anavar with them all together or should i wait? i asked around and everyone said its 100% safe....
what do u think?
I would like to disagree... respectfuly ovcourse...

I would have a light 15 min cardio 4 times a week. The anavar will help preserve the muscle while cutting to let you away with this. 60mg a day. 30 in the mroning 30 before your workout. Without more cardio I doubt you will make 7-8% BF on anavar alone. Run your cycle 8-10 weeks but I would update your PCT also as it is weak.
I agree. Don't drop the running/jogging, BUT do it right after your workout as you are doing it. You are already in a catbolic state after a hard workout in the gym, so do your running then. Then after your run, slam your post work out shake and get yourself back into an anabolic state as quickly as possible.

To cut, you have to do cardio, period. The anavar isn't a magic pill.
i never thought of it like that
im defenetly gonna slow down on the running... i was doing like 20 min on 5.0 speed 3.0 incline... so it was more of a jog.... but i'll switch it up i'll hit the stairs and the bike a little bit... just to see what happens :)
thanks bro
by the way i also take MULTI VITAMINS and these other pills i got in GNC called CLA/ALC all in the morning... is it safe to do anavar with them all together or should i wait? i asked around and everyone said its 100% safe....
what do u think?
as I said before: "Im not saying to not do cardio at all. Do the stair stepper or walk on the treadmill at an incline. If you walk on an incline of 15 or so at 3.2 you will easily burn 12 calories a minute. So it's a slower burn and keeps your body from burning muscle."

You need the cardio - period. But IMO running isnt the best way to get it. The other reality is that you need to change up your cardio just like you change up your lifting exercises to confuse your body and continue to maximize the results you get. So mix it up... do some HIIT, as well as doing cardio right after you train.

I agree with harryharry that the anavar will help slow down the muscle catabolism but why not stop it completely and let more of the var work for you in other ways.

I also agree that you wont get to 7-8% bf with the anavar alone... that is why I said you still need to do cardio.

If you can do your cardio in the morning, before having anything to eat other than a protein shake - THAT will get you the most results the quickest.

I usually have a shake and then go to the gym and do the inclined treadmill for about 10 - 15 minutes. Nothing crazy... I have gotten really lean doing this. Then I go back and lift later in the day.

So if you are able to split it up, that is the IDEAL way to do it IMO.

Keep in mind like Dialtone wrote last night - you ask 4 people a question and you will somehow get 5 different answers. Are all but one of them wrong?? Generally not. Everyone's body responds differently to different things. Whether it is how your body responds to the anavar or how your body responds to the cardio you do and when you do it. The reality is that you can pick one... try it... and see if it works for you. If it doesnt... next.

As far as the vitamins - I dont think taking those with your var will cause any issues.
I got 50 pills of anavar and depends on the results im probobly gonna do 50 more
and i ordered a month worth of nolva i dont know how much that is
My cuzzin did anavar and he did nolva after so he told me how much to do and hes gonna get it for me but he only did 20mg a day of anavar and it worked ok for him i was just thinking maybe if i can do more then that

You don't have nearly enough Anavar to run a proper cycle. You aren't going to get much results, if any. If you were to run an effective cycle for the amount of Anavar you have, it would only last you two weeks, and that's only enough time to have it fully kick in.
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