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Is this Iranian Test E real or fake?


New member
What's up bros -

This is my first post. I'm currently deployed in Iraq, with the US Army. My buddy picked up some of Aburaihan's test enanthate 250 from one of our interpreters (it was bought locally). I've done some research on this gear, and have some read some posts about it being faked. My question is whether it is legit or not. My personal opinion, is that it looks straight. Here are some pics:






I just started my cycle yesterday. I'm gonna run 500 mg/week for 10 weeks, with HCG and Nolva for PCT. This is my first time using AAS, so I opted for a test only cycle (availability was an issue, as well).

I'm not gonnna lie, I was very nervous before my first shot last night. Took me about five minutes to work up the courage to stab myself. Took 2ml in the right glute with a 21 gauge pin. :chomp: Injection went flawlessly -- no soreness afterwards. I'm 5'6" 155 lbs ~11% bf.

Sorry, that was a little OT, but I thought I'd share news of my first poke with you guys =) Anyway, lemme know what you guys think, obviously I don't want to continue this cycle if the gear's bunk :worried:

Peace -
they look good but when i first saw the pic of the single amp. i thought the print was ginda thin. also the others i've seen have a white ring at the neck.
need ret or someone to confirm this i think. i've heard of there being some fakes out there on these.
Thanks for your ideas. What about clear emblem vs. filled black emblem? Bear in mind, the manufacture date on these is April of 2005, so they might have changed their amp printing.

bigtravis: I have also seen the white ring on others. This one has a small score mark for opening.

I shot an email to ret about this a few days ago, but no response yet. Maybe he's on vacation :p Anyone else?

Can you post one for none plats please! I have some right here that are 100% and I could give them a closer look. Mine have white ring Batch#056 MFG 3 2005 EXP 3 2010.
Stainless_Steel said:
not Platinum member. We can only see the small thumbnails. Can you post them so we can see larger views.

Sorry, I don't know how to do that. But my body has answered my question. 7 days on cycle I'm up a solid 5.5 lbs.
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