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Is sustanon 250 by its self a good cycle?

or do you have to mix with with something? this will be my first cycle im 24 male and been working out for about 4 years on and off! i was thinking maybe 500mg/week? will you get about 25lbs of muscle from just it? then clomid 3 weeks after last injection?
I don't know if you'll get 25lbs of muscle from it, but there's nothing wrong with a test only cycle.
or do you have to mix with with something? this will be my first cycle im 24 male and been working out for about 4 years on and off! i was thinking maybe 500mg/week? will you get about 25lbs of muscle from just it? then clomid 3 weeks after last injection?

Everyone wants 20 to 25 lbs a cycle, but the truth is noone knows if 250 or 50 or even 1500mgs will do it. The gear isn't the deciding factor it is the diet and the sleep and the training. But to answer your question I would go with 250, but I am POSITIVE you will get different answers to this. My motto is start small and then progress, others say your first cycle will be your best so hit it hard. But ultimately it is up to you.
well imo sust is not a good test for the first cycle....go with enanthate or cypionate. but any one of those alone will give good gains your first cycle. no you will not get 25 pounds of muscle from a test only cycle...i dont believe you will get 25 pounds of muscle from any cycle. 2 weeks after you last injection with any of those test will be sufficient.
I'll be posting my results soon... In three weeks or so...
Simply I went from 152 to 175 by now... I have one more week of 500 of Omna ( I ran 500 of Sust for the first 5 weeks).
I didn't retain any water, didn't get bloated...
So far, so good. I don't think I will lose any weight when I'm done with my cycle... I'm pretty ripped and well defined now... I will include Test (maybe Sust, or some other test) in my next cycle in the fall...
good luck, bro... But results do vary from person to person...
500 mg sus is a decent cycle. As everyone else said, 25 lbs. lean is expecting too much. You may get 25 lbs total counting the water bloat. I did a 500 mg sus only cycle and jacked my strength through the roof.
Sus only is fine just make sure you run it a minimum of 10 weeks. Sus takes awhile to kick in. And like the others said it's not only up to the sauce to make gains you need to train and eat like a champion. 25lbs probably won't happen but you should make some nice gains. Lifter
Lifter4Life said:
Sus only is fine just make sure you run it a minimum of 10 weeks. Sus takes awhile to kick in. And like the others said it's not only up to the sauce to make gains you need to train and eat like a champion. 25lbs probably won't happen but you should make some nice gains. Lifter

ive been told to run it for 8 weeks instead of 10, any opinion? I like this cause its cheaper and 8 weeks is plenty long as it is
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