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Is it possible to restore the HTPA with Nolvadex?

I'm always hearing conflicting views on this. (Its either clomid or Nolvadex).

HCG is without a doubt my first choice but for prolonged use should I go for Nolva or Clomid?
Sure it can. I've used both clomid and nolva, and found nolva to be much better for me both with and without HCG. Plus, it doesn't taste like complete liquified ass :)
heavyweightBoxer said:
Thanks, so would you suggest that I use it without the HGC?


Both Nolvadex and Clomid increase pituitary LH secretion by blocking negative feedback on the HPTA.

The action of HCG is indentical to that of pituitary LH. HCG will cause an immediate increase in testosterone production, testicular volume and spermatogenesis. It's obviously strong enough to cause gynecomastia.

Use a combination of all 3 if you are concerned.

HCG is for recovery of the testicular mass. It can prolong recovery in some cases, by it in itself supressing the very LU it is minnicking. It a fake high IMO.

Tamoxifen (NOLVADEX) can and will restore HPTA, Sperm count and testicular mass, but will take a lot longer to do it. HPTA recovery is a slow process, there's no shortcuts. I have see studies stating that 10mg is all it took and when compred to a group taking 20 or 40mg there was no difference. So 10mg may be all we need.
To me.. HCG is a must.. I will never do a cycle with out at least 5kius on hand. If its a ten weeker I use 5kius every 4 weeks. I also love Clomid at the end. Nothing like keeping all your gains and just losing water. I have never lost any strength with this PCT either!
Gregory is right, HCG should be taken during the cycle or just before ending the cycle to increase ball size, Clomid or Nov should be taken afterward for Post Therpy. I have used both, for my they both work about the same. Clomid gives some Bro Eye problems.
I'm not cycling anything as of now, I just want to increase (restore) my test levels.

A close relative of mine died 5 months ago and I havent been the same since, it has undoubtedly affected my test level and motivation to workout, not to mention my sex drive is at an all time low.
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I'm still young and to recover fully and quickly using Nolva and Clomid together. No HCG needed.
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