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Help for first cycle. Much appreciated


New member
Hey Guys, first of ill start by saying thank you to anyone who does decide to give me some help.

Quick background. Had a few blood tests prior to deciding to jump on a cycle. Test level were extremely low (8.6nmol/l), well below average for my age. The andrologist i was seeing was so reluctant to put me on proper test replacement therapy. I couldn't handle the symptoms of low test any more, so decided to take it in my own hands.
I've just recently started my first test-e cycle, currently in my 3rd week, pinning every 250mg Monday and Thursday for weekly total of 500mg. I have a few questions that i need help with.

- Firstly, is PCT absolutely necessary when on test-e only cycle, why/why not? What happens if i dont do one?
- What is the best PCT protocol? I've done alot of reading, and can't seem to find an absolute conclusion on Nolvadex/Clomid, either by themselves, or in conjunction...
- Should i 100% be taking an AI during cycle, or only take if needed? if so what protocol? What signs would indicate the need for an AI?

Thank you all so much for any of the time you decide to help me with.

(i know alot of people will tell me to do my research and read everywhere. Well, i already have, and honestly cannot come to a definite conclusion, hence me asking for help here.)

- 23 yr old male
- 171 cm
- 67 kg
3 Years lifting experience

I have done test e in the past , where I have split the dose and to be honest just take one shot a week mate , it has a vey long half life and no need to split it seriously . Blood levels will remain stable and your gains will be better ! AI a must Aromisan 12.5 EOD to be safe l test E takes like 5 weeks or so to really kick in so you can use it when you see signs of puffy nipples or estrogen sings , really a matter of choice really , but ye using 12.5 EOD is a " rather safe than sorry " protocol . 12 weeks is a good test e course and this is the minimum time you should use , don't go over as your recovery gets harder , the longer your course the harder your recovery !!

PCT 100% essential !!! No pct in the world will bring your test levels back to normal but it is a tool to help your body recover a lot faster ! Here too this subject will drive you insane , as there have been so scientific human studies on pct , it's all opinion based , basically you want to use Clomid for a short time to give your body a huge LH and FSH boost then switch to Nalvodex as the side effects of Clomid are the worst you will ever experience !!!! It goes something like this

If you want you can run PREGNYL/ HCG at 500 iu a week for two weeks , a week after your last shot
Then :
2 to 3 weeks after your last shot

Clomid 100mg ED for a week then drop down to 50mg Ed for another week
Nalovdex 20 mg ED for another month
Aromison 12.5 mg EOD
a good test booster like test stack 17

Opinions will every but this pretty much standard , no hard or fast rule

Remember there are risks and there are rewards ! EVERY drug has side effects it just depends on your body mate , everyone is different and NEVER compare yourself to anyone . As tough and hard as a pct is you HAVE to suck it up and push through it or risk not only loosing all your gains and more , but your health as well ! Make sure to have your whole course on hand before starting don't do it half cocked !!

Good luck

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