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Help Building a Cycle!!!


New member
so..basically im cutting, and i was thinking about taking these as a cycle. this will be my third cycle so im hoping i put it together right for what i wanna around 16% body fat.. 5"8 in height, and about 170lbs now. Previously i took methendestrolone 50mg/ed and test e 900mg/wk. 1st cycle- 8wks long, 5wks off, 8wks on the same cycle.


any suggestions? im just looking to go to about 5-6% body fat..abs and all that good stuff.
Almost a gram of test a week, for 2 cycles and you're only 170lb and 16%!!! What did you eat, 1 grape and 1 glass of water per day!? Go to the diet forum and check the stickies, lots of good info there.
wrknonit said:
Almost a gram of test a week, for 2 cycles and you're only 170lb and 16%!!! What did you eat, 1 grape and 1 glass of water per day!? Go to the diet forum and check the stickies, lots of good info there.

i started off my cycle at 138lbs and went up to 190lbs.. then ive been off for 4 weeks and been cutting and lost 20lbs..
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