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GHB precursor 1,4-Butanediol

Gman said:
Be forwarned.. My friend developed CHRONIC PANCREATITIS from drinking GBL almost everyday for over 2 years.. he was not a drinker of alcohol (since he had his G) When he was taken to the hospital they asked him if he drank alcohol, he said no, told them that he drank GBL reguarly.. His doc concluded that his pancreatits was caused by the GBL - the body uses the same enzyme to break down GBL as it does alcohol.. as a matter a fact they claim that it took 100x more of the enzyme to break it down causing excessive stress on the pancreas, which caused a pancreatitis.. and that my friends if NOT something you want to live with.

Everyone thinks out kidneys and liver, but don't forget there are lots of other organs in your body..


i'm leaving this up for the more knowledgeable people out there, but that's the first incident i've ever heard of someone developing pancreatitis. NOW, are we saying the pancreas is breaking it up or the liver, because as far as i've read, GBL is MUCH easier on the liver than alcohol.
Fonz, Macro Huck?? anyone wanna shed light on this??? interested to hear their side of what happens.
ChrisOh said:
everyone should just drink fruit punch instead. Makes me happy

LOL yeah fruit punch use to put a smile on my face, till I saw how much sugar there was in it.
the KEY to these types of drugs is moderation
I have several points to make here.
1- moderation is great, but if you are and addict, moderation is not possible(Probably opening a can of worms) with 1,4 GBL or GHB. If our an addict, use something else. there are few worse choices available
2-1,4 GBL, and GHB are all GABAnergic drugs. They all potentiate GABA, such as benzo's (xanax, valium, clonopin etc), and selective benzos like Ambien and Sonata.
3- These 3 drugs all have short have lives 2-4 hours and produce marked physical dependance easily. This results in risk of seizure every 2-4 hours if addicted, and its easy to get addicted.Not fun.
4- because of the short half life, it is a poor sleep aid. It interferes with REM sleep and though it may put you to sleep, if you have a sleep problem, you will wake up when it wears off 3 hours later.
5- 1,4 butanediol metabolizes to a large extent into ethylene glycol (antifreeze). This compounds the CNS damage that GHB would cause. People who spend enough time regularly using 1,4 may need an antiseizure like depakote, tegretol or dilantin just not to shake for a long time after use is discontinued.

Basically my point is, these are dangerous drugs. Why fool with such drugs, even if you can moderate when there are better choices. I just dont want to see bros go down from this shit.

The best drug for sleep if you are not an addict is ambien or sonata. they dont interfdere with REM and give you quality sleep. They also are short acting so dont leave you hungover. But they too have a pretty high addiction liability.
Grainger said:

I respect your opinion bro. You're one of the luck ones.....BTW, it took 2.5 years before I started to use it every day....before that I only used it once in you're not off the hook yet ;) ahhaha Just let me know if you ever have a problem with it....I would be glad to help you out. Trust me....people are not crying wolf here. When they say that the shit is bad and is a painful expereince, they are just not being a bunch of pussies! It really sucks!!!!!!

I get a kick out of everyone saying, be smart about using and don't use too much. you think people ever set out to become dependant on drugs? Hell no!....they just think that they can control their drug use. (Some can....some can't) point is, you don't know if you're one of those that can't until it is too late! You trick yourself into thinking "I don't need to use it, I just want to use it"

Just warning people the way that I wish that I was warned. I think that you get my point....

Take care Daeo......and good luck to you.

Thanks for the concern, but I think I'll be ok. I think I can talk myself out of using it 24/7 for months on end...
Bad Bad Stuff

About 3 weeks ago I'd have gotten on here and flamed everyone of you guys who trashed talked the Gamma-OH, but recently I've had some profoundly negative experiences. Sunday night I took a bunch, and then after I started coming down I took a bump, and then a little later I drank what was left of my glass of orange soda and passed the fuck out mid stride. The fact of the matter was that it wasnt my glass it was lord suston's glass, and I was in some deep deep shit. My breathing was all fucked up and I woke up like 3 hours later (after 3 hours of having my vitals checked by a friend standing by with injectable clen, horse grade epinephrine and some homeade concoction of liqiud benzodiazapines in case shit got worse). I felt sicker than ever before and I have drunk myself into a vomitous mass quite a few times. The moral of this story, this stuff can be dangerous if you get sloppy. Also if you are gonna get fucked up and clean your apartment.....Red Bull and Tequilla instead(the recipe for cheque drops BTW)

The second important thing to note. The fucking Irish kid who lives with us (yes we just refer to him as "the fucking Irish Kid") was addicted pretty badly to codiene for a while and a few years ago he stopped his heart and got the paddles. His GF broke up with him 2 weeks ago and he decided to try 1,4 (without my knowledge). SO the other guys showed him how to dose it, and told him the importance of not drinking it. All seemed well except in 14 days that dumb shit sucked down upwards of 40ml. Think about this, I mean yeah he was getting fucked up once a day at work and once at night but seriously. Can we say addicction? I think G has a high rate of cross addiction with narcotic drugs. Anyway once I woke up puking we took a vote to lock that shit up from that kid, bad news.

Also I havent seen GBL for sale anywhere over the net lately. Does anyone know of a LEGAL (not a source post) place to get that stuff. We bought a gallon of 1,4 right before it got hard to find and after that fucking irish kid got his hands on it we are running a little low.
Primal X said:
2ml: anti-depressant
3ml: clubbing
4ml: sleep
5ml: barf up everything you ate that day

This dosing is close to what works for me although I've never taken enough to get to the barfing stage -- don't intend to. I'd say experiment for yourself though -- dosing of this stuff is different for every body. 2.5ml is a pleasant buzz but 3ml puts me to sleep.

2.5 ml Once or twice a week (tops) instead of alcohol has worked for me just fine. The key here is if you're using it to escape from life in general or to just get a nice no-calorie buzz on with friends. I haven't had any trouble with sleep patterns. I doubt if I use enough of it to make an impact.
think gman was referin to

TraxZBT said:

i'm leaving this up for the more knowledgeable people out there, but that's the first incident i've ever heard of someone developing pancreatitis. NOW, are we saying the pancreas is breaking it up or the liver, because as far as i've read, GBL is MUCH easier on the liver than alcohol.
Fonz, Macro Huck?? anyone wanna shed light on this??? interested to hear their side of what happens.

1,4-----1,4 will fuck up your insides,gbl is safe it is less work for your liver than alcohol,but this 1,4 shit is used for makin car bumpers is used to make injection moldings like car bumpers.................on bolex there is a chemist who knows his shit on all the "g" its ganaboy2k1 and he told me 1,4 eats you from the inside out,litterally when used daily...................once a week probably ok ......the human body is tough,but pay the extra for real gbl, safe as can be..................unless you start takin it every hour on the hour...............thats how it gets a bad rap................people abusin it and then cryin about it................gbl is safe....................1,4=eventual problems.................just my 5ius worth peace kc
after having two of my closest friends g-out bad enough to where they were hospitalized in the last 2 weeks. I really feel the quality of G in the last year or so since it became a controlled substance has declined greatly. THe 1, 4 bute is shit G. IT gives me a cracked out buzz and is alot harder to regulate .... after hearing that it eats your insides my thoughts are............

FUCK 1,4
the 1,4 I get is almost tastless. the GHB and GBL floating around out there is enough to make you puke from it's horrible taste. you tell me what one you think has more impurities?
Re: think gman was referin to

caseyviator said:

1,4-----1,4 will fuck up your insides,gbl is safe it is less work for your liver than alcohol,but this 1,4 shit is used for makin car bumpers is used to make injection moldings like car bumpers.................on bolex there is a chemist who knows his shit on all the "g" its ganaboy2k1 and he told me 1,4 eats you from the inside out,litterally when used daily...................once a week probably ok ......the human body is tough,but pay the extra for real gbl, safe as can be..................unless you start takin it every hour on the hour...............thats how it gets a bad rap................people abusin it and then cryin about it................gbl is safe....................1,4=eventual problems.................just my 5ius worth peace kc

5 months ago I would have laughed at this post but after me being a cheap fuck and grabbing a bunch of 1,4 instead of G, my body I believe has been fucked up....This 1,4 shit did something to my nerve ending or something but I have not been the same since using this crap. Take it for what its worth and listen to DRRman---use the real G and stay away from 1,4----
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