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FIRST cycle


In over a year....maybe 5-6 very mild cycles before that...for someone looking to put on some lean mass........calories are high, but balanced. Will this produce?

Weeks 1-4 100mg test prop E4d
Weeks 1-8 250-300mg of Deca
Weeks 1-10 400mg-500mg of Test (400 and sus250)

With clomid waiting in the wings along with ECA stack and winny.....thnx bros.
JKurz1 said:
In over a year....maybe 5-6 very mild cycles before that...for someone looking to put on some lean mass........calories are high, but balanced. Will this produce?

Weeks 1-4 100mg test prop E4d
Weeks 1-8 250-300mg of Deca
Weeks 1-10 400mg-500mg of Test (400 and sus250)

With clomid waiting in the wings along with ECA stack and winny.....thnx bros.

I'd up the Deca to about 400mg/wk and possibly even decrease the Test Prop to 50mg every 2nd day so that your blood baselines stay a little more stable. Other than that looks pretty solid.
Oh, flex, how is your caloric intake when you are on? Cranked? Moderate? Cardio?
Clean? See-Food? 1 Cheat day? Thinking of 300g of protein, 250g of carbs, 70-100g of fat.............
what about this?

1-4 prop 100mg eod - every 4th day and your test levels will be on a roller coaster ride

1-6 NPP (instead of deca) 300mg week - works faster than deca so you don't have to run it as long and still get the same results. If you can't get NPP, then I would run the deca for 10 weeks.

1-10 sust 500mg week - T400 is way to painful for most people.

6-12 winny 50mg ed - to harden everything up
start pct right after 12th week.
Like it bro-

THis is what I'm worried about.....6'2, 190, 7%bf - how would you re-vamp?

wake about 5am
meal 1 (after 1/2hr cardio) - cup of egg whites, 3/4cup oats, scoop of protein
2 - tuna sandwhich on 2 pieces of flax, 1tb of anpb on low carb wheat, 1/2 cup carb sense skim in coffee
3 - 6-8oz chx/salmon/turkey, veggies and a nice salad
4 - high protein, low sugar carb bar, 1/2 cup cottage cheese - coffee
5 - 4oz fish, 1/2cp cottage cheese, steamed veggies, salad
then it's about 7, I chill out for awhile, sometimes crash, and then wake up to another big protein shake, some peanuts, and some more fiberous carbs and bed (10ish)
JKurz1 said:
i got a some more lol..come on bro your lean as it is so what if your bf goes to 10% as long as you put some thick ass muscle on you right???? 400g of pro.. the only thing about your cycle is the prop should be eod like Mr Flex said..if you dont want to deal with eod injects you can kickstart with some d-bol for the first 4 weeks..other than that looks good!!
JKurz1 said:
In over a year....maybe 5-6 very mild cycles before that...for someone looking to put on some lean mass........calories are high, but balanced. Will this produce?

Weeks 1-4 100mg test prop E4d
Weeks 1-8 250-300mg of Deca
Weeks 1-10 400mg-500mg of Test (400 and sus250)

With clomid waiting in the wings along with ECA stack and winny.....thnx bros.
I would forget about the test 400 and use some enanthate or cyp-it is chemically impossible to put 400 mgs of test in 1cc, so who knows what's really in it--I would also use the prop every 2-3 days even if you only used 50 mgs.(I'd stick with 100 if you have enough)--Last but not least, throw in some arimidex or nolvadex to prevent gyno
44Blown said:
I would forget about the test 400 and use some enanthate or cyp-it is chemically impossible to put 400 mgs of test in 1cc, so who knows what's really in it--I would also use the prop every 2-3 days even if you only used 50 mgs.(I'd stick with 100 if you have enough)--Last but not least, throw in some arimidex or nolvadex to prevent gyno
it may not be the best test but it IS possible to get 400mg/ml by increasing the BA content!!!!!!!!!!
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