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Equipoise Question


New member
I'm training in Powerlifting at this time looking for strength and power.
I have a few cycles under my hat experience mostly with test.

Question#1: I'm thinking about running EQ at 200 to 300 a week for 16 weeks alone. Would this work, would it shut me down as far as libido or increase and is PCT necessary after.
Question#2: My wife has done Primo twice and Var once. I'm planning on running 100 of EQ a week for her, is this good or not.

Now I know that you are going to ask why not run it with test, well I'm trying to avoid to much androgen, I don't wan't to blow up I just want to gain some strength and muscle that is more keepable. I know that it will take longer this way but I'm just checking with some of you that have used EQ.

Any advise would be appreciated.
Ranger563 said:
I'm training in Powerlifting at this time looking for strength and power.
I have a few cycles under my hat experience mostly with test.

Question#1: I'm thinking about running EQ at 200 to 300 a week for 16 weeks alone. Would this work, would it shut me down as far as libido or increase and is PCT necessary after.
Question#2: My wife has done Primo twice and Var once. I'm planning on running 100 of EQ a week for her, is this good or not.

Now I know that you are going to ask why not run it with test, well I'm trying to avoid to much androgen, I don't wan't to blow up I just want to gain some strength and muscle that is more keepable. I know that it will take longer this way but I'm just checking with some of you that have used EQ.

Any advise would be appreciated.
you would have to run it at 600 to see any good results!!! women can get away with 50mg to even 100mg.
I wouldnt run a woman on eq.. just personal preference, I suppose..

You're looking for that strength, being a PL'er.. I'd stick with test/deca/dbol .. if you have a meet, maybe some halo.. maybe replace the deca with tren.. you have lots of choices for making big strength/power.
And if you do stick with EQ...go with 600 wk and 250 of a test base to avoid shut down. You shouldnt blow up from 250 wk. The longer you run the EQ the better, 16 wks should yield the results you want.
You'll kill each other. Eq alone makes most men aggressive. It's almost certain to make her aggressive. If you're a P/L then NPP and/or test are your best bet. No one steroid is better than another for the amount of gains you keep. There is no such thing as "more keepable gains". If you're using an AI to stop estrogen you won't hold water with test any more than you would eq. If you're going to use eq, which is more suited to body builders, then use it with some test.
Yes you will have to do the same PCT, yes you can lose your libido,
For you, that is not much gear, and will not really affect anything, I would always defer to test, for a situation like yours.

For women, EQ is actually harsh, she will get different sides, hunger, aggression , facial hair, all sort of things, it simply is not a good idea.

Anavar is by far and a way the best gear for women, primo second.
along with a good diet, Is there really a big difference with Eq vs Test in terms of getting that hard muscle look?

I am in the last week of my PCT and feel good coming off of a 12 week test/dbol/deca cycle and I am about 14%Bf my body has more of a smooth muscle look to it, for the summer, I want to have a hard muscle look and be a bit more vieny,

I was thinking about doing:
Sus or Test E @ 500mg (prob Test E because I've used it 2x b4 with good results)
EQ at 600mg a week,
and either adding winstrol in the beginning or at the end??

What do you guys think?
shrimp44 said:
along with a good diet, Is there really a big difference with Eq vs Test in terms of getting that hard muscle look?

I am in the last week of my PCT and feel good coming off of a 12 week test/dbol/deca cycle and I am about 14%Bf my body has more of a smooth muscle look to it, for the summer, I want to have a hard muscle look and be a bit more vieny,

I was thinking about doing:
Sus or Test E @ 500mg (prob Test E because I've used it 2x b4 with good results)
EQ at 600mg a week,
and either adding winstrol in the beginning or at the end??

What do you guys think?
That is what I am runnin now. You will like the Test/ Eq combo. I do TEST E 250mg 2x week and Eq 300mq 2x week. I withdraw both in syringe for single inject. The Eq will deffinately make you harder and more vascular. Good recovery, great pumps, good libido. However I am not too focused on power. Since you are, then deff add the winny.
I agree with Palehorse, I am on the same exact stack as he is, threw in some dbol for a kick start. I think the EQ has evened out my Libido. My first cycle was Strictly test E @ 500mg/wk and I cought myself humping everything in sight, now it has kinda evened me out a bit, but the vascularity, and ability to skyrocket my endurance for running and swimming has made me very happy. Def a Killer Combo.

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