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Drinking milk while on a diet?


New member
Have any of you guys read anything about drinking milk while lowering your BF? I understand that milk contains lost of cals, but I've come accross some articles that suggest that milk helps in lowering your BF. What have you guys heard?
I'm interested in the answer as well. I'm a veg, so milk is a good pro source. I would hate to have to cut it out...Ang
Sebby said:
Have any of you guys read anything about drinking milk while lowering your BF? I understand that milk contains lost of cals, but I've come accross some articles that suggest that milk helps in lowering your BF. What have you guys heard?

milk sugar = bad = not a good idea when trying to cut down

Basically, the milk sugar will raise your blood sugar while the dairy in general will bloat you - most people have some type of an allergy to a form of dairy.

Mr.X said:
milk sugar = bad = not a good idea when trying to cut down

Basically, the milk sugar will raise your blood sugar while the dairy in general will bloat you - most people have some type of an allergy to a form of dairy.


Interesting point, I also block out milk coz its sugar. YET, Ive also read that not just becasue the carb is simple to mean that its worthless. Its all very distant to me now, but I believe reading that lactose isnt all that bad, just like fructose isnt too bad either.
Mr.X said:
milk sugar = bad = not a good idea when trying to cut down

Basically, the milk sugar will raise your blood sugar while the dairy in general will bloat you - most people have some type of an allergy to a form of dairy.


What's wrong with lactose ?

Galactose I guess
Why would it be worse that glucose ?
If you're taking in interest in what you eat and your body then when isn't a person "dieting"?

Anyways - I have about 1 cup of milk a day with my shake and probably 1-2 cups of fat-free cottage cheese a day. That said I don't (with constant exercise) find it any more difficult to stay in the single digits as far as BF%.
Avoid milk when cutting. It makes your skin look puffy and contains extra cals and sugar you dont need.
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