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Don't want to do anything stupid...


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... but want more rapid results.

53 yrs old
180 cyp week
500 iu HCG 2x week
gym w/weights 3x week
Ok with physique but 25 - 30 lbs fat to lose

Do I need to increase cyp? Seems like nothing. Should I add anything else? Don't want to screw with libido unless it's to increase it. Advice please?
How is this thread any different than the other one you started?

I get the impression you arent happy with the advice you got in other thread so started a new one.

The fact of the matter is your not going to find a quick pharmaceutical fix for a little belly fat. Its collected there for a reason, fix the reason and the belly fat will go away. Ignoring the underlying cause may offer a temporary fix but its not going to stay gone until you address the underlying problem.

If you want a quick fix for ab fat and arent willing to look at your diet and nutritional needs then get liposuction.
I concur with zyg. Diet is the key here not drugs. But I'd also increase and improve training. Add in some cardio and up the intensity and frequency of workouts and your good.

Sent from my XT1080 using EliteFitness
Thought rephrasing might get different answers. So 180 mg cyp/week is plenty? Not feelin it here. Thought at least increasing test wouldn't hurt and might help. No one addressed that in the other thread. No offense intended.
increasing more juice isn't going to magically decrease your fat.. you shouldn't be juicing to begin with being overweight.. its going to make your problem worse not better. you do realize test typically increase appetite and cravings right? good luck trying to lose weight when you are craving food all day and night

as I said before run my shredder stack which is safe for overweight
Thought rephrasing might get different answers. So 180 mg cyp/week is plenty? Not feelin it here. Thought at least increasing test wouldn't hurt and might help. No one addressed that in the other thread. No offense intended.

That 180mg test/wk, combined with the HCG you are taking is a very large weekly test dose for TRT. That kind of dose is generally reserved for people who are in shape and have a very long history of working out and even then usually within 6 months or so it will cause problems with elevated RBC etc.

Fat collects in specific areas of the body in relation to certain hormones. Belly and chest fat in men is common and almost always tied to cortisol levels which is related to adrenal fatigue which is greatly influenced by underactive thyroid which also directly affects test levels.

You have belly fat and low test, so do I and unlike most people here I can sympathize that its not always as easy as just diet and exercise, there can and often are other forces at work which make no amount of diet and exercise the solution and unless you address those issues anything else will be just a temporary fix.
You're only in the gym 3 days a week. How about 5-6 days with the additional 2-3 devoted to cardio? I'm 47 next month, been training for 30 years. It gets tougher to shed bodyfat when you get 45 plus. Everything has to be in order, mostly diet, and, if you can't control your bodyfat with diet, increase cardio. You need to lift more than 3 days a week also, with more intensity and sets per bodypart. Train 1 bodypart per day and crush it with at least 20 sets for major parts. I would be willing to bet you aren't doing that.
if you can't control your bodyfat with diet, increase cardio. You need to lift more than 3 days a week also, with more intensity and sets per bodypart. Train 1 bodypart per day and crush it with at least 20 sets for major parts. I would be willing to bet you aren't doing that.

I realize your just trying to help and your advice may work for a lot of people but those that think that diet and exercise alone can always get ride of bodyfat and if not add more cardio are sadly mistaken.

Why is it so easily accepted around here that AAS builds muscle but when it comes to losing fat, if you cant lose it your lazy and have no self control. If ones ability to gain muscle can be directly associated with taking AAS then why cant ones inability to lose fat be directly related to ones ability to produce T3?

As for training, if you can goto the gym and in a single week do 20 sets of heavy deadlift, 20 sets of heavy backsquats and say 20 sets of rows and 20 sets of RDL's your a much better man than me.
I understand what you are saying and agree Zyglamail. Just making sure that the basics of getting in the gym more than 3 days a week and training hard are covered. As far as the 20 sets I mean per major bodypart. 20 sets for back, 20 for legs, etc. Less for biceps, triceps, calves, etc.
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