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Does anyone NOT respond to fina?!


New member
I am taking fina for the second time and am again getting nothing out of it. I have been on for four weeks and I am trying to cut. I have lost a lot of strength and I don't notice any great fat burning going on. I thought it was supposed to really speed up the fat burning and also help you keep strength while cutting. The only thing I have noticed is smaller balls. I am taking 75mg/day from Spectro and stacking it with paperstrol. Not too impressed.
I think I'm doing everything right as far as diet and working out, but maybe not. I just wondered if anyone else had taken it and not gotten results.

Only result is smaller balls, ehhh? Thats no fun. How have you changed your diet? Are you doing anything else differently? Did you get gains the first time you used it?
Bro, If you are training hard and eating even half way decent.......and you are not rsponding to tren....?.....then you might as well forget about lifting and take up the piano.....
You gotta be an exception to the rule then. Taking fina twice and not seeing results. Everyone I know that tried spectro fina was very impressed with the results. Maybe fina is not working for you.:confused:
Sounds to me like diet, rest, or some other factor is holding you back bro. Please post your diet and stats if possible. I just came off a Fina only cycle 6 weeks at 75mg/day. I put on 22 pounds kept 18 and went from about 8% b/f to 6% b/f while bulking.
You are not alone.
Some months ago I did a cycle with 150 mg of Fina EOD and
Winny 50 mg EOD. Almost zero results! My source which is very reliable assured me that this is the first case ever that came to his attention. Diet, rest, training, everything else was ok. Therefore I can understand you very well.
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