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Does anyone make a living selling on Ebay?


Chairman Member
Ebay is basically a worldwide classified ad system. Now I know there are mail order marketers that make a living from regular print classifieds so that stands to reason that there can be people that make a good living from selling on Ebay. I think there are ways this can be done, anyone have info about this?
I don't have info on it, but 20/20, Dateline, etc have done little special things on people that are making lots of money off of it.
There is a convention in Vegas every year specifically for the people that use EBay for their sole means of making money.
It is to the point now where EBay is considering (haven't looked in a bit, but perhaps they actually do it now) providing health care plans for people that make their living selling stuff on EBay.

Most of the examples I have seen have been fashion people, and antiques. The cars that are sold, at least the high end cars from dealers, are actually only really on there to generate views - they aren't usually actually sold on EBay - advertising of sorts.

The fashion people would have connections at stores of when clothes were going to be gotten rid of and would go buy out a store and then sell the stuff on EBay.
One family had the mom doing the books and ads, and the daughter's hot bod was used to model the clothes. The dad had the connections to get the merchandise.
They were doing well enough that they bought the house next to them and used that as their warehouse/office for EBay stuff.
I think ebay has it set up where you can actually open your own little store at the expense of their site. I don't know their commisions for this type of thing, but obviously ebay get's a lot of exposure. This will be one of those things that before long, there be 1000's of shops on there thus flooding the market with everything which will result in lower prices and will end up not being worth it. Bam
I used to sell a lot on Ebay, but now I stopped. Too many dumb customers. Also I had issues with Ebay admin. They wouldn't let me sell ASP batons anymore (i was selling over 20 of these every week) but allow others to sell OC/pepper spray and Stun guns. Now try to understand something. No logic there. Officially they must follow California's laws. Lol canadian laws aren't that hardcore...
I used them too and had issues so I too stopped selling there. Plus they adverise that bullshit company Paypal. I hate those fuckers. Bam
Actually.... my neighbor uses eBay for his sole means of income. He sells 1940-1960 movie posters... (huge) and old carnival posters.. (Wasp Woman, Lobster Boy..etc..)

The fact he owns a house in my neighborhood should tell you how well he does.
yeah, are we supposed to know what nieghborhood you live in?

if you feel like sharing, tell us!! tell us what you do to be able to afford it aswell!!
i know a lady who is making a solid living off ebay...she sells clothing. She makes prolly makes anywhere from 3-6 grrr a month
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