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did tren tranform your body?

Honestly it completely changed me I am now forever vascular it seems, my chest widened my arms got vascular bi ceps changed shape. On the negative side:negatively changed my mood for a long ass time. Honestly I recommend high dose of masteron/winny and prop with a really good diet and you will experience something similar but it wont be nearly as drastic, its a love hate thing. I know personally I will never touch it again I hated the sides and the depression/mood swings that were ,yes very controlable yet annoying, were not even close to worth it. Unless your career is resting on a drastic change in physique and strength I really would never advocate the use of tren for recreational aesthetic purposes. Tren is very toxic in ways that we as a community probably dont even understand or know..... just saying.

tren may be hard on the system but not worse then some other things imo..noroof has shown to be toxic to kidneys
Quick question, is it possible to do a whole cycle with tren and not get the cough? Haven't gotten that yet but I do have a metal taste in the back of my mouth when I inject
I did a test only cycle 6 months ago and made 7 Lbs of gains.
I am in week 4 of 250mg Test, 250 EQ, & 100mg Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate one injection per week
So far I have gained more & better looking muscle & strength in 4 weeks than the whole 12 week test only cycle of 600mg/week

The sides have been minimal because they are low/non aromatising compounds except the test that is
Hi. Two and a half weeks in and amazing. Body fat visibly dropping off. Running hot. Trouble sleeping but not to bad. Not every night anyway. Doing 50 tren a ed. 50 prop ed. will add whinny for last six weeks. Muscles sore from ed injections but just going to suck it up coz the results do far are amazing. Worth the pain .
I'm taking tren, test prop. And I was wandering is it ok to take nolva in case of lumps. Cause I herd you can't take nolva on tren
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