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Cycle on accutane


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I was planning on doing enathate fina and eq before i found out i was going on accutane. i know fina is supposedly liver toxic so if i exclude this from the cycle would test and eq be ok to do while on accutane. i've read no but i just want different opinions and different experiences of people being on cycle while on accutane. yes i know accutane is liver toxic also. if i was to do the enathate with eq would that screw up my blood tests that i have to take for the accutane every month. karma to all with info
Accutane is a very powerful drug. You should not take any orals while "on" especially d-bol, and winnys. I dont think your blood levels will elevate too much if your using a small amount of test. The EQ shouldnt mess with it. Maybe you should do a EQ only cycle and wait till your all clear before the test or u can use the enanthate but in small dose, nothing above 500mg/week.
I can't tell you for sure. But I will tell you I was on a sus250 cycle about 6 weeks in and went to get my blood levels checked to be put on Acutane and the doc would not put me on it. He wanted to run all these tests thinking there was something seriously wrong with me. Needless to say when I came off and went back to the doc to be tested again the results were miraculously o.k. LOL!
If I were you I would do cycle frist and then go on Accutane. You dont want the doc to stop your treatment because of a change in liver values do you. This happend to me mate.
do your cycle on then your accutane

You know you can do your cycle, and then the accuatne. Or instead of getting opinons from people on tis boeard, that you have never meet. You can grow some balls on tell your doc what the deal is! Why not? He gets paid for seeing your ass! So why not make it worth your while? If you believe in juicing why not say so? Just tell him the truth and see what happens. The best part will be the look on his face since they didn't teach him that in school. God i love doctors! LOL

ps. be honest they haev heard it all before!
Lguy00 said:
I was planning on doing enathate fina and eq before i found out i was going on accutane. i know fina is supposedly liver toxic so if i exclude this from the cycle would test and eq be ok to do while on accutane. i've read no but i just want different opinions and different experiences of people being on cycle while on accutane. yes i know accutane is liver toxic also. if i was to do the enathate with eq would that screw up my blood tests that i have to take for the accutane every month. karma to all with info

dave polumbo suggested adding acutane into cycles, 40mg/ed, but his cycles ussually dont includ orals
Ask yourself what is more important clear skin or being big. I stop my current cycle to get my levels down. Think about as a 5 month off time for juice and the benifit of not having to worry about clear skin again.
I was ending a cyc of 500 week enan. while beginning accutane, blood test where fine, the anavar I was on did elevate my liver values a bit, I threw in some ala at 300mg day, took care of that prob, now I am coming towards the end of my accutane cycle and on another cycle of 600mg week cyp with no probs passing blood tests at all, injectibles shouldnt mess with your values.
Lguy00 said:
I was planning on doing enathate fina and eq before i found out i was going on accutane. i know fina is supposedly liver toxic so if i exclude this from the cycle would test and eq be ok to do while on accutane. i've read no but i just want different opinions and different experiences of people being on cycle while on accutane. yes i know accutane is liver toxic also. if i was to do the enathate with eq would that screw up my blood tests that i have to take for the accutane every month. karma to all with info

You should be ok, but I would take some BioChoice just in case as well as for GENERAL health and well-being.

You never know what the steroids REALLY do to your body so it's better to be safe

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