The best way to burn belly fat is the same way you burn body fat overall...nutrition. You can work yourself to death, but without a proper diet, your cutting your knees out from under you.
You need a high protein diet bro, with minimun carbs and fat. 50% protein, 25% carbs and 25% fat will do the trick.
But still, that is not enough.
You will also need to run a calorie deficit. You will need to determine your maintenance calorie level while factoring in working out. An active male who works out about 5 days a week and weighs 242lbs will need to consume approximately 3500 calories to maintain weight.
Then, subtract 500 calories for every 1 pound of body fat you want to lose per week. I say that because the general rule of thumb is that it takes a 500 calorie deficit, per day, to lose one pound per week.
3500 calories - 1500 calories leaves you with 2000 daily calories, running at 50% protein, 25% carbs and 25% fats, while working out 5 days a week, you should AVERAGE 3lbs of body fat loss per week...SAFELY!
Good luck!