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AAS and Psychological Effects


New member

Could someone please provide me with some info on this topic? I am currently taking 100mg of Luvox ED (fluvoxamine) and 100mg of Anafranil ED (clomipramine) for psychological disorders including OCD, anxiety, and panic attacks. I have started a cycle (my first cycle) of AAS - Winstrol at a fairly low dose of 35mg ED, planning on going for a month, and was wondering if anyone knows if taking an AAS such as this could possibly worsen my mental conditions or even create new ones? Also, what would be good to take along with it for extra mental support?

Thanks :)

Could someone please provide me with some info on this topic? I am currently taking 100mg of Luvox ED (fluvoxamine) and 100mg of Anafranil ED (clomipramine) for psychological disorders including OCD, anxiety, and panic attacks. I have started a cycle (my first cycle) of AAS - Winstrol at a fairly low dose of 35mg ED, planning on going for a month, and was wondering if anyone knows if taking an AAS such as this could possibly worsen my mental conditions or even create new ones? Also, what would be good to take along with it for extra mental support?

Thanks :)

Its hard to say for sure. Its such an indvidual thing. If your have things under control with your meds you should be just fine.
I would have ran some additional testosterone with the WINSTROL.
I am also on strattera (ADHD), lexapro (anxiety/depression), remeron (insomnia, ADHD, depression). It's very personal as poster above mentioned, but I didn't experience any interactions.

You could check on medscape for possible interactions.
Since you're asking about the possibility, then yes its possible. Likely? I think not but then again I have no idea.

All the cycles ive done made me feel good. However, some do report feeling down. Some even talk about depression from Dianabol which sounds very strange to everyone (which is why many suggested it was a coincidence) because its well known for having the opposite effect and makes you feel good. Is this info relevent? Im not even sure.

I dont think anyone can say for sure. Your cycle is short and mild so if I had to worry about something, it would be about how things go POST cycle when trying to recover. Watch your cholestrol levels too, winny really kills them.
Stats - Height 5'8, Weight 156lb, 24 years old, been lifting for about 4 years. I'm pretty lean, not sure what my exact body fat percent is. I decided to try a short mild cycle oral cycle just to see how it would affect with me, without the addition of any test. I know test should be the base of any cycle but I'm worried about taking more than one compound, at least until I see how it will affect me.
i hate to tell you this to break your heart but if you have all those issues you shouldn't be juicing in the first place. OR you are best off running very low doses. these are powerful hormones man.

also here on EF we aren't like other sites. we have a rule in place that we won't encourage you to juice if you are on every drug under the sun. that rule is enforced as long as they keep me as a moderator. I don't know you, you don't know me. however it effects me when someone who is drugged up takes steroids and ends up in the hospital with kidney failure. and then they blame steroids for it, or a guy who is on anti-depressants commits suicide and they blame the steroids for it. so you see why that rule is in place. there was a dad whose kid was on every drug under the sun.. and he took steroids.. his kid ended up hanging himself.. of course the reason for that was cause he took steroids, not cause he was mentally messed up. according to the dad you see anti-depressants are legal so that must mean they are safer and okay to take.
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Id say no matter what u run, if u didnt prepare yourself a good pct and crash I think thats where most of ur problems will lay, id also stay away from compounds that are harder to recover from like tren and deca, but id say overall stay away from these hormones and post up diet and weight lifting program see if that can be shaped up more. How long have you been on the meds for??

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I'm prone to depression/anxiety and ocd. I usually self medicate by taking psychedelics once every month or so, but due to how crazy my job has been lately I've been unable to do so. I can't tell if that's making me feel down or the tren. I was feeling fine at 30mg ed, bumped it up to 37mg ed. If I don't start feeling better I'm gonna bring it back down to 30mg and see if I improve
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