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  1. J

    another cardarine and ostarine cycle for recomp

    gonna try using gw501516 cardarine and ostarine mk2866 for cutting again. I posted about my cycle on here like a year ago under a different screen name but forgot the password. Anyway you guys gave me good advice I think but I didn’t get great results cause I wasn’t focused. This time I will be...
  2. S

    more reps and sets sarms

    I’m going to start increasing my repetitions and the amount of sets that I’m doing and I would like to use sarms to help me get there. My plan is 10mgs ostarine mk2866 for 10 weeks, then do rad140 for 8 more weeks. Gonna do gw501516 as well the whole time for 18 weeks straight. Rad and gw I want...
  3. M

    where is ostarine mk best used in a cycle?

    Seeking fat loss, anti-aging, and sleep benefits and Recovery I’m 58 years old and I’m six foot tall 184 pounds and I’m training five times a week I’m going to be doing a 25 week sarm cycle but I’m going to be mixing and matching different sarms within it I’m looking at doing gw501516, nutrobal...
  4. X

    how would you do s4, gw, and ostarine?

    Looking to do a triple stack to improve my muscle mass and also help with body fat and body structure the 3 sarms and doses as follows: lgd4033 25mgs a day, rad140--- 20mgs a day, cardarine gw501516–25mgs a day pct will be mini pct with clomid and fadogia. Here I’m 37 years old and I’m 187...
  5. M

    16 week sarms cycle

    24 years old 5’10’’ 183 pounds goals are mild muscle growth and fat loss my 16 week sarms cycle is as follows: S23 10mgs SR9009 15mgs ostarine mk2866 15mgs GW501516 20mgs all 16 weeks. Pct: clomid 50mgs a day fadogia thoughts on this?
  6. JimAbs43

    Podcast Hardcore 74 - [2024] Ostarine (MK-2866) SARMS Revisited Hardcore 74 - [2024] Ostarine (MK-2866) SARMS Revisited
  7. Z

    sarms high quality cycle

    looking to run a high quality value cycle of sarms. I have modest statistics so don’t laugh at me I’m six foot one inches 165 pounds but I have a very lean build I’m probably around six or seven percent body fat. Just not seeing the muscles popping out of me and I’m hoping you can give me some...
  8. C

    how to truly recomp using cardarine gw and ostarine

    look, I’m not about to beat around the bush. I’m not a skinny dude, in fact I am overweight. Currently around 330 pounds and 5’11’’. but I am STRONG. I don’t want to become a skinny in the closet gayboy beta like Dylan, but at the same time I don’t want to stay fat either. So here is my...
  9. Q

    running ostarine good for a runner/athlete?

    44 years old and 180 pounds I’m not a weight lifter or a bodybuilder but I am a runner and an athlete was wondering what you thought about ostarine for what I am looking for. Basically I need help with recovery and help with lingering injuries. Would ostarine be a good one for me to try or would...
  10. V

    underweight, heavy on cardio, sarms the answer?

    I do a cardio-rich workout routine where I go jogging every morning around my block and I basically run the whole circle until I’m dripped and sweat LOL I’m looking to use sarms not to help me with endurance because that’s not my issue but to help me build more muscle mass. Do you have any...
  11. G

    60 year old sarms stack

    looking To get a boost with my pickleball and golf game 60 years old my main complaint is joint issues both with my knees hips and elbows. Hoping that sarms might be able to help with that ostarine and nutrobal sound like no brainers. However I have tried them before and didn’t like some of the...
  12. R

    newbie to sarms. Where should I go?

    I’m a newbie to sarms and looking for some advice on which direction I should go with them. Should I go with s23 + S4+ yk11? Or should I go with more mild stack of ostarine, nutrobal and GW? I’m 24 years old and I’m 5 foot 10 160 pounds. My main issue is recovery because I bust my ass in the gym...
  13. R

    sarms + sports trt.

    My anti aging clinic put me on sports trt at 300mgs a week. Feel amazing at this dosage and would like to keep it going for as long as possible. Im’ 25 years old and 240 pounds. 50mgs a day of s4 and 25mgs of ostarine is what I plan to add. Now here is the thing. I do NOT want any water...
  14. W

    LGD and ostarine good mix or bad mix?

    Not sure if mixing lgd and ostarine is a good idea for someone looking for lean muscle mass I’m currently 14% body fat and want to keep my body fat 15% or less I don’t have much room for error I’m 207 pounds and I’m six foot three definitely want to put on some more strength and size but it...
  15. Z

    new sarms user wants lgd and ostarine

    22 years old a hundred and forty eight pounds and five foot seven inches I have been weight training for the past eight months I’m looking to use lgd and ostarine these both sound really good from what I’ve been reading what are your opinions on using ostarine and LGD together? I was thinking of...
  16. N

    sarms for middle aged guy

    I’m looking for sarms for a middle aged guy currently 5’9’’ 170 pounds and 12% body fat I’m training five times a week in the gym for about an hour each session I’m also doing cardio once a day every morning fasted cardio looking to improve my lean muscle mass but nothing too crazy have my eye...
  17. V

    nutrobal and ostarine with what?

    I want to use nutrobal and ostarine on my next cycle what are going to be the best sarms to stack with it? Want to use GW and SR and get the best recomping effects I’m 16 percent body fat and I would like to drop down to maybe 12 or 13 percent also would like to get a little stronger and build...
  18. D

    finding the right sarms cycle

    I’m 38 years old and I’m 5 foot 9 in I’ve used testosterone cyp before then 500 mg for 12 weeks and I had pretty good results with the side effects for crazy would like to try sarms and get really good results but avoid the side effects I’m looking hard at 3 sarms: LGD RAD ostarine these 3 seem...
  19. D

    cutting down again

    33, 25% body fat, 25Barnes no it’s not what yeah3lbs so I cut down on my last cycle of sarms then gained it all back and more when I came off trying to keep my diet on point but I am a sucker for junk food especially during the holiday season want to get back on the sarms train to cut down last...
  20. P

    difference between nutrobal and ostarine?

    What are the main differences between using nutrobal and ostarine? I mean aren’t they both similar since they’re both part of the MK group of sarms? If not why are they both called MK, that seems weird to me just trying to learn about both of them if you had to choose ONE only to use which would...
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