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Approved Log Log EP for healing / recovery

Happy hearing everything is going great that is what I like to see! Keep it up brother 💪 💯
Good Morning <3 ❤️

27/06 The weather are very hot .... i think i need to change my diet with more fruits and made fresh meal.

I received my results about the plasma level of iron with 80MG daily.
Results : Ferritine: 81ng/mL and the minimal and maximal are (22-322) so i don't have a high level but it's not very low, i think add 40MG so 120MG daily and i try to take this on empty stomach surely at the start of the day.

04:15 AM : 250MCG Huperzine-A + 400ML water
04:40 AM : 80mg iron element (from bisglycinate) + 80mg Vitamine C element (from Acerola)

05:10 AM :75G Oats + Milk 1/2 cream 400ML + 40g Whey (37,6g Protéines Nx6.38, 5,24g Leucine) + 1 Banana + 2G Fish Oil (800MG EPA, 600MG DHA) + 1 Kiwi.

01:30PM : Cardio boxe training

- 5 mins Warm up ( all body )
- 10 mins jump rope.

Cycle 1 :

- Direct forward
- Moulinet
- Front hook
- Tricep plank
- Direct chain + hook

Cycle 2 :

- Chair (back to wall)
- Knee strike (inner thigh adductor)
- Side kick
- Whipped before
- Squat and knee strike

Cycle 3 :

- Sequence of left + right side kick + chased (front)
- Sequence of right (left and right) + hook (right and left) until exhaustion.

04:30 PM : 14G BCAA's (7G Leucine, 3.5G Isoleucine, 3.5G Valine)
3G Creatine Monohydrate (CreaPure) +
8G Citruline base +
2 Banana
30ml Lemone Juice
25G Honey
Electrolytes powder (Citrate potassium 750MG, citrate calcium 270MG , citrate magnésium 187,5mg)
3G Vitamine C (from Ascorbate Sodium) + 600ML Water.

06:30 PM : N-Acetyl-Cystein 750MG + Milk Thistle 500MG + 400ML Water.

08:00 PM : 100G Tuna Albacor + 15G Olive Oil + 110G Whole PAsta + 80G mix legums + 200G Fresh Yogurt.

10:00 PM : Salad fruits ( strawberry + kiwi + banana) 250G + 500G Cottage Cheese + 6G Fish oil + 1,9MG x 2 Melatonin + 500MG Milk Thistle + 25MG Zinc element + 200MG Magnesium element.

Have a blessing day and hydrate well yourself <3 ❤️
Good Morning <3 ❤️

27/06 The weather are very hot .... i think i need to change my diet with more fruits and made fresh meal.

I received my results about the plasma level of iron with 80MG daily.
Results : Ferritine: 81ng/mL and the minimal and maximal are (22-322) so i don't have a high level but it's not very low, i think add 40MG so 120MG daily and i try to take this on empty stomach surely at the start of the day.

04:15 AM : 250MCG Huperzine-A + 400ML water
04:40 AM : 80mg iron element (from bisglycinate) + 80mg Vitamine C element (from Acerola)

05:10 AM :75G Oats + Milk 1/2 cream 400ML + 40g Whey (37,6g Protéines Nx6.38, 5,24g Leucine) + 1 Banana + 2G Fish Oil (800MG EPA, 600MG DHA) + 1 Kiwi.

01:30PM : Cardio boxe training

- 5 mins Warm up ( all body )
- 10 mins jump rope.

Cycle 1 :

- Direct forward
- Moulinet
- Front hook
- Tricep plank
- Direct chain + hook

Cycle 2 :

- Chair (back to wall)
- Knee strike (inner thigh adductor)
- Side kick
- Whipped before
- Squat and knee strike

Cycle 3 :

- Sequence of left + right side kick + chased (front)
- Sequence of right (left and right) + hook (right and left) until exhaustion.

04:30 PM : 14G BCAA's (7G Leucine, 3.5G Isoleucine, 3.5G Valine)
3G Creatine Monohydrate (CreaPure) +
8G Citruline base +
2 Banana
30ml Lemone Juice
25G Honey
Electrolytes powder (Citrate potassium 750MG, citrate calcium 270MG , citrate magnésium 187,5mg)
3G Vitamine C (from Ascorbate Sodium) + 600ML Water.

06:30 PM : N-Acetyl-Cystein 750MG + Milk Thistle 500MG + 400ML Water.

08:00 PM : 100G Tuna Albacor + 15G Olive Oil + 110G Whole PAsta + 80G mix legums + 200G Fresh Yogurt.

10:00 PM : Salad fruits ( strawberry + kiwi + banana) 250G + 500G Cottage Cheese + 6G Fish oil + 1,9MG x 2 Melatonin + 500MG Milk Thistle + 25MG Zinc element + 200MG Magnesium element.

Have a blessing day and hydrate well yourself <3 ❤️
@lundgren i see no sugar in morning i like it :)
Still rocking it brother 😎 love seeing the progress and the detailed updates 💪 you are doing great 👍 hope all is well for you 🙏
Good Evening <3 ❤️
28/07 I gained 3° today around 31° around 88F normally next week i have the possibility to restart the running outdoor at 2x/W and if all is well up to 3/W etc ... in the past i going outdoor 6 days / W . My level of cardio are not the same but i'm on the good way, the heartbeat are more stable during a cardio exercice, i need just more time .... ;-D

I stoped the sugar, not easy because i love a fresh coffee with some brown sugar, maybe i check with some fruits to made a juice / smoothie with some orange / Kiwi / watermelon / red fruit.

Generally i feel great, sometime the mental are not really positive, i try to work on this, physical too, some day i have lot energy and sometime not, i think it's in the head but not sure ...

Liver feel a lot better, i think it's the Proviron when i up to 50mg daily, the pain coming with the lose appetit, so it's good things, i feel the difference on my skin too (when transaminases up i have little acnee the skin don't look like heathly) but Milk thistle and NAC helping a lot i'm sure .... i continue for around 3-4 weeks and i give a new blood work to check the liver and other values.

06:00 AM : 250MCG Huperzine-A + 400ML water

06:15 AM : 80mg iron element (from bisglycinate) + 80mg Vitamine C element (from Acerola)

06: 50 : 80G Oats + Milk 1/2 cream 400ML + 40g Whey (37,6g Protéines Nx6.38, 5,24g Leucine) + 1 Banana + 2G Fish Oil (800MG EPA, 600MG DHA) + 1 Kiwi + 40G Nuts.

08:30 AM : BACK DAY (the same weight / training like as the last)

30 min bike (add 10 mins)

Rowing dumbbell :
- 5kgs 12 reps
- 10 kgs 10 reps
- 15 kgs 10 reps
- 10 kgs 10 reps

Deadstop dumbbell :
- 5kgs 12 reps
- 10 kgs 10 reps
- 10 kgs 10 reps
- 15 kgs 12 reps

Batwing row :
- 5 kgs 10 reps
- 10 kgs 8 reps
- 15 kgs 10 reps
- 10 kgs 12 reps

Superman / lower back
- 1x 20cd (and 10scd pause)
- 1x 20
- 1x 20
- 1x 20
- 1x 20

Hip Bridge
- 1x10 scd and 10 scd pause
- 1x10 scd
- 1x10 scd
- 1x10 scd
- 1x10 scd

The session of cardio boxe very intensive killed me lol, today it's not easy to push some weight today but i finish the training (^_^)

12:20 PM : 100G Tuna + 130G White Rice + 15G Olive Oil + 80G mix legums + 300G Fresh Yogurt + 30G mix red fruits + 30G nuts + 1 NexGenPro.

15:45 PM :14G BCAA's (7G Leucine, 3.5G Isoleucine, 3.5G Valine)
3G Creatine Monohydrate (CreaPure) +
8G Citruline base +
1 Banana
25G Honey
Electrolytes powder (Citrate potassium 750MG, citrate calcium 270MG , citrate magnésium 187,5mg)
3G Vitamine C (from Ascorbate Sodium) + 600ML Water.

06;00 PM : N-Acetyl-Cystein 750MG + Milk Thistle 500MG + 400ML Water.

07:00 PM : 100G White Hike + 10G Olive Oil + 60G Whole PAsta + 80G mix legums + 120G Fresh Yogurt.

10:00 PM : 400G Salad fruits ( strawberry + kiwi + banana) + 500G Cottage Cheese + 6G Fish oil + 1,9MG x 2 Melatonin + 500MG Milk Thistle + 25MG Zinc element + 200MG Magnesium element.
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