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weak tendons

You should get it checked out 1st and foremost, and rest till it feels better..... After that, avoid Benching and Military Press..... I Popped my shoulder about 5yrs ago, and it sucked bad...... I was doing some warm up bench press with about 40lbs on the bar, so I wasn't pushing it hard, and it doesn't take much..... Instead of Benching, do Dumbell Press with a Neutral grip..... Instead of Military Press, use Dumbell's with a Neutral grip, and START LIGHT.... Work your way up SLOW in weight till the joint feels solid..... I gotta be honest, to this day, Mine still doesn't feel "solid".... However, I take it easy, warm up good, and I'm still able to do a good chest/shoulder workout...... Good Luck....

I think therapy and if u wanna know the truth HGH would help out alot deca might help as well ( i personally think it sucks ) do not take winny.

stretch like a mofo and stay away from heavy presses for a lil
Guys, Thanks for all of the great suggestions. I should have mentioned that the problem is tendonitis of the supraspinatus tendon and some bursitis. I have had this problem for a while and have been going to a chiropractor for the last 3 months. I also see an ortho and took off from the gym for about 6 months. It seems to be getting better s-l-o-w-l-y and my doctors said that I could go back to the gym and lift (even heavy) but only to the point of pain. This basically means bench press where I can bring the bar down only about 5 inches. Anyway, I am just wondering if, in addition to the physical therapy, there are any supps that might help speed up the healing process. Sounds like GH might help, but it's wicked expensive and I've heard it doesn't work unless you are on AAS, too. Grrrr..... :mad:
macrophage69alpha said:
chinese GH is pretty affordable (its not cheap, but a lot less than blackmarket american kits go for)

Thanks. Do you think it will help with tendons if I take it alone or would I need to take slin and AAS, too? I looked into GH a while ago, before I was injured, just as part of a cycle and it seemed like you needed to take so much other stuff with it that I didn't understand how anyone could tell whether it was the GH or everything else that was helping :confused:

i dont' know how bad it is but my shoulder used to pop out when doing heavy dumbell bench and incline, i had a weak tendon. i took deca for my first cycle, it stopped happening during the cycle ive been able to get stronger than i ever was and it never pops out anymore fact. i don't care what anyone says if you saw me lift back in the day i had to go so light on incline dummies cause it would pop out and it was horrible pain, it was an injury from lax. i swear to you my friend the deca imo allowed me to work through it and strenghten the tendon
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