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used fake gear for 3 weeks pct or continue?


sorry for confusing questions but i am seriously thinking my gear is fake so i am worried. i will try to explain as simple as i can

for 4 weeks i used sustanon 250 which was real i gained 8 pounds (250 eod )
2 days after my last sustanon shot i couldnt find sustanon so i continued with 750 test enant. 400 deca and 30 mb dbol which i seriously think FAKE because it has been 15 days and i didnt gain anything. i even lost a pound.

my options are
1- shall i give the gear another chance and wait for one more week to prove that its fake and use 40 mb tamoxifen while i am using gear in the same time just in case (if its fake then pct will be ok)

2- shall i stop the gear and start pct immediately

3- shall i buy another sustanon from another dealer and continue after 3 weeks of fake gear. (my body got used to sustanon and i will buy one gear only until i can prove its real this time)

any other suggestions will be really helpful. i know i am an idiot but so many unexpected things happened. i dont know which one could be fake since they are long esters but dbol didnt work at all
I'd run pct to make sure

But trash the nolva, deca is a 19nor and you'll be fucking yourself up with nolva.

Do you know about progesterone or prolactin sides as a result of 19nor compounds? They are nothing like aromatising products such as test....
the weird thing is i checked dianabol on its website and it said it is real.

i know deca gyno is rare and nolva doesnt help it . and the only thing i know about stopping progesterone is birth control pills. if i take tamoxifen and deca together and if deca is real will it really be very bad ?
the weird thing is i checked dianabol on its website and it said it is real.

i know deca gyno is rare and nolva doesnt help it . and the only thing i know about stopping progesterone is birth control pills. if i take tamoxifen and deca together and if deca is real will it really be very bad ?

Bro tamoxifen is nolva, same thing, just a different name.

The dbol sounds bunk to me, you should normally see results in a few days to a week on real legit dbol

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Ya definately run pct just to be safe. That really sucks that someone screwed ya with the fake stuff. It took me a long time to find a solid source that was consistently legit so I feel your pain. Any questions about pct or anything else pm me.
if taking nolvadex and deca doesn do much harmi wanna give it another chance. dianabol is surely fake but maybe deca and test enant. is at least low dosed. i wasted so much money
if taking nolvadex and deca doesn do much harmi wanna give it another chance. dianabol is surely fake but maybe deca and test enant. is at least low dosed. i wasted so much money

Dont use nolva for anything period. If the dbol is fake then chances are the other gear is bunk. Why would they take the time to make half the juice real and the other half fake? Start pct asap with the following
1-4 Clomid 25 mg day

currenly the only legal serm i can find is tamoxifen. for anything else i must buy from a dealer which will likely be fake. so there is %90 chance that deca is fake. so i only used 4 weeks of sustanon and didnt take anything for 15 days. which is perfect for pct. the only thing i wanan know is what if deca is real. what is the worst case scenario? is it ok if i just continue and take 40 mg of nolvadex ?
currenly the only legal serm i can find is tamoxifen. for anything else i must buy from a dealer which will likely be fake. so there is %90 chance that deca is fake. so i only used 4 weeks of sustanon and didnt take anything for 15 days. which is perfect for pct. the only thing i wanan know is what if deca is real. what is the worst case scenario? is it ok if i just continue and take 40 mg of nolvadex ?

Bro go to and get some clomid. Stop the nolva.

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