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Test Prop vs. Test E


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Had a thread on here about my Test E cycle 500mg/wk last summer which made me break out in terrible acne all over my body even 6 months after I finished.

Buddy of mine told me maybe switching to Test Prop this time around may be better because of less chance for acne sides.

Anyone know if this is true? Also, not sure if dosing is the same.

Did you use an AI on cycle? And what was your pct like

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Lol your buddy doesn't really know all that much about aas. The ester the test is suspended in isn't whats causing acne. Could be the fluctuation of hormones, to much estro, not showering enough, dirty sheets or a number of things but highly highly doubt it's the ester. Some people are just prone to acne from aas. Testosterone will give you oily skin which will clog your pores which will cause acne.

The dosing is different from e to p. prop is pinned ed to eod while e could be pinned once or twice a week. As for the mg dosage, yes that's the same unless you choose to run more or less.
complete bullllllshit bro.. some get acne and some do not. I get mild acne during cycle but terrible during early PCT unless I'm running slin.

You gotta take the good with the bad. Go pick us some irish spring, they carry a good acne product in form of body wash.
Had a thread on here about my Test E cycle 500mg/wk last summer which made me break out in terrible acne all over my body even 6 months after I finished.

Buddy of mine told me maybe switching to Test Prop this time around may be better because of less chance for acne sides.

Anyone know if this is true? Also, not sure if dosing is the same.


The sides are easier to control with shorter acting drugs. If you have a problem you can adjust accordingly.
Dosages could definitely be an issue.
Pound for pound Propionate is stronger. Due to its quick response. As for the acne. Antibacterial. Soap. Was your butt Twice a day. Stay well hydrated.
Pretty much if your prone to acne then juice is gonna make it worse. Some are worse then others like, dbol is a mofo for me and gives me the biggest acne issues. I take test all the time and hardly ever get anything more then a bump occasionally from it. You can try all the over the counter stuff and Ntbm carries a great acne cleanser,and supp called acne tame. You can try tanning also. If all that doesn't work and its severe acne then your best bet is gonna be a low dose accutane regimen. Accutane is very harsh and should be a last resort, but it can permanently rid you of any acne and you won't have another zit again. The acne I get on blasts isn't bad enough for me to consider it. I can easily manage it with the cleansers.
Lol your buddy doesn't really know all that much about aas. The ester the test is suspended in isn't whats causing acne. Could be the fluctuation of hormones, to much estro, not showering enough, dirty sheets or a number of things but highly highly doubt it's the ester. Some people are just prone to acne from aas. Testosterone will give you oily skin which will clog your pores which will cause acne.

The dosing is different from e to p. prop is pinned ed to eod while e could be pinned once or twice a week. As for the mg dosage, yes that's the same unless you choose to run more or less.

LOLLL exactly!! I just love the "my buddy" and "the guy at the gym" that don't know their ass from a fucking hole in the ground... where the fuck do these guys come from??
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