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Here's my DF 5 x 5, modified

Hey, Jim! Well, I just caught up on your journal. I'm really sorry about your dog, man. :(

Well, I come back, and I still see that you are a freak, especially on the deadlift. :D I need to stop being jealous. :)

I hope your back gets better soon.
Thanks for the kind words about my dog. I feel a little better after a week now but the first few days were rough.

Re: my dead, thanks for the compliment but I made a total rookie mistake on that 435 when I hurt my back. Rushed the 2nd rep and didn't concentrate enough on form. Painful lesson...:(
Better, thanks for asking :coffee:

Good enough to move and stack some boxes this weekend without too much discomfort or soreness afterwards. It sure is nice to have an understanding and sympathetic wife :rolleyes:

It's still pretty stiff first thing in the morning but after walking around it loosens up and it's getting better every day.

Hopefully it's a lesson learned without being out of commision too long - always respect the weight :Chef: . I plan on taking this week off from and deadlifting or squatting and do some hypers/reverse hypers every workout.
Week 9 Day 1

My back feels pretty good. In fact I'd venture to say I've probably squatted with my back feeling worse than this (well maybe not quite). Still, I really want to be careful now that it seems to be on the upswing so, again, just taking it easy.

Did some light front squats with just the bar. 4 x 12. Practiced some high hang cleans too just for fun. Man even the bar and you work up a sweat, at least I did.

I did try a back squat with just the bar but I had to stop short of a full squat because I could feel my back pulling a bit. I wonder if this means I have that 'butt tucking under thing' that's been discussed here in the past...

Bar x 20
135 x 5
185 x 2
225 x 3
255 x 3
295 x 2 (PR, failed 3rd rep)

First 2 were relatively easy, last rep I couldn't lock out. I think it's mental, I always have problems with my last rep, I think I lose some speed with the bar trying to be too careful. Anyway, I'm real happy I got it. As I recall I tried 295 x 1 at the end of Korte and barely missed it so to get 2 and almost 3 I'm pretty pleased.

Hypers/Rev Hypers

Mini x 3 x 10

Felt good, hypers didn't hurt at all.

Overall: Feeling good about my bench, I think my back will come around if I'm smart about it. I'll keep doing the lower back work and also hanging upside down and ice/heat. I think just giving it a break from heavy squatting and deading will be the real benefit, though.
Congrats on the bench PR.

It always annoys me to fail a bench rep due to failure to lock out. What usually happens to me is that it's a bit of a grind to get it up and then I reach a point where I think "it's easy from here" and stop pushing so hard. I have to remind myself to drive with everything until the rep is over. You mentioned at the end of my broken Korte that the last thing you want to find yourself with is two sticking points.

Just take care of the back and let it heal. I think you're going about it the right way: keep it active and keep pushing for more but back off when it looks like it's going to complain and don't take any over-large jumps in weight.
Thanks guys. It's much appreciated. 295 is a big milestone for me since I'm a notoriously weak bencher. 315 doesn't seem totally out of the question now :)

Yeah I think I slowed down right at my sticking point with predictable results. OTOH, it could be that 295 is just my 2RM ;)
Week 9 Day 2

My back was pretty tight today, especially in the morning. I did lots of walking around and it felt better but it's a weird kind of pain. I'm starting to think it's more of a muscle pull, at least I hope it is (as opposed to a disc problem). I feel it in my right lower back, right above my glute. Maybe it's some kind of compensation, I dunno. In any case, I went to the gym because I remember it felt pretty good after moving around.

Messed around practicing some hang cleans with only 65lbs for a few sets then up to 95. Just working on the movement and form. It's hard to do, though, when the weight is so light that you can muscle/reverse curl it up if you have to, and I know I was must've been doing that since 95 didn't feel as smooth as 65 :rolleyes:

Then I did some light front squats with 95 x 3, 135 x 2 x 3. I was able to do these without too much back issue. I could feel my back but not in painful way, if that makes any sense.

Push Press
135 x 2
155 x 1
170 x 3, x 2 (fail)

Really slow lockout. Of course I was pretty careful with my back and all so I wasn't real aggressive with this lift. In fact maybe it was stupid to even do them, but my back didn't hurt, even during the slow lockout.

50 x 3 x 3

3 reps are easy. I doubt I coulda done 4 reps, though. That's just the way I am with pullups. ;)

Hypers/Rev Hypers
Went back to light mini x 3 x 12
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