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Growing Rebellion Against the Patriot Act - 300 Communities, 4 States and counting...

Longhorn85 said:
Yes, a few lol. But what we're talking about here is a bi-partisan (unanimous really) supported Act. Everyone supported the Patriot Act and the 9-11 hearings proved that it is not only the right thing to do, but we probably did it too late or else we might have prevented that disaster.

As far as things I disagree with concerning Bush:

He should have rammed more conservative judges onto the bench, not consulted Ted Kennedy and allow him to co-sponsor the Education Bill cuz I knew he would turn on Bush.

Should have gone deeper on the Tax Cuts. Should increase the size of the military by 50%.

But, you can't have it all, and I think term two will bring more good conservative policy. :)

You're hilarious brother :)

The Patriot Act was rammed through in the 9/11 aftermath though without much foresight and with a good dose of panic thrown in. Many constituents seem to be realizing this, hopefully their representatives do to....
bluepeter said:
You're hilarious brother :)

The Patriot Act was rammed through in the 9/11 aftermath though without much foresight and with a good dose of panic thrown in. Many constituents seem to be realizing this, hopefully their representatives do to....

Well, we will certainly find out. I really think the 9-11 hearings will make it difficult to vote against it, and for good reason.
Re: Growing Rebellion Against the Patriot Act - 300 Communities, 4 States and countin

Longhorn85 said:
Well it passed the Senate 99-1 and many of them are up for re-election this November.

According to Ron Paul (R-TX), the Senate wasn't even allowed to read the legislation prior to its vote.

How does this further the argument ratification of the Bill was based on solid support of its contents rather than succumbing to the paranoid climate prevailing at the time?

Longhorn85 said:
If their constituents don't vote them out, you can expect the next version of the Patriot act to pass. I hope so, and I expect it will.

The Patriot Act 2 is 10x worse then the first one. Patriot Act 2 will turn America into a Police State.

A taste:

Any person who MAY HAVE committed an act of terrorism (remember: by breaking any federal or state law that COULD endanger human life) can be considered an enemy combatant, have their rights stripped away and subject to indefinite incarceration (or worse); denied access to an attorney, due process and the right to a speedy (or no) trial by their peers.

Since ANY person MAY have committed ANY crime, all US citizens can be potentially designated as enemy combatants under Patriot Act 2 at the drop of a hat and have their rights stripped away in a heartbeat.

But the rational minded man would say this could never happen in a society such as ours, right?

If you fast forward and contemplate the widespread domestic panic precipitated by another large scale WMD attack, its not hard to see how popular resistance could quickly morph into popular support for designating millions of citizens as 'enemy combatants'' in an effort to prevent future attacks.

Meanwhile, as the powers that be keep insisting the nation needs to surrender even more of their civil liberties to increasingly draconian measures, the borders are saturated with thousands of illegals who pour into the country daily.

If the Government was serious about keeping terrorists out of the country and protecting the nations liberties, then why would they leave the back door wide open to terrorists while meticulously inspecting everyone in the country with a magnifine glass?

Thats backwards.

Something’s not right.
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Nobody should ever be denied the right to an attorney. Isn't that unconstitutional

anyway the whole damn thing is.
All politics is truly local.
We (Americans, not you robert jan) voted this into existence. By this I mean, the people *WE* voted for made this bill and passed it.

If you have a problem with it, vote differently. Thats how the system works.
If by resistance, you mean using your vote to elect someone with less contrary views on platforms you consider important, yes.

Robert Jan said:
Well sure Code but isn't this resistance itself a democratic process its based on public support
Are there still militias around? I can't anything solid for Florida and I'm not talking about the Florida National Guard but a real militia
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