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Cytodine Technologies Are A Fraud!

Can we keep the pictures of Maria Korsgaard though??? Some interesting facts in that story, curious to see how it pans out.
If the only reason a person uses E/C is because they believe those ads - then they are morons to begin with....I use E/C and I laugh my ass off at those ads because I know that there are people out there buying the products and expecting miracles (but they don't want to put in the work that goes along with it - they just want a magic pill).

The guy who filed the suit probably ate like shit, didn't workout - and then got pissed off because he didn't lose weight like the models in the ads.....

Combined with an ultra clean diet and rigorous exercise program - there is no doubt that E/C works. Not to defend them or anything...but Cytodyne (and other companies) resort to the tactics that they do because the general public is completely clueless when it comes to ephedrine.
Wrong my friend....... the only reason they resort to those tactics is because they are gutless money-making scum.
They give the industry I work in (Fitness) a very bad name.
Burn cyto!!
The founder oc cytodyne is the brother of the guy who founded cybergenics, any surprise they use similar marketing styles?
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