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Anyone on statins?

So why don't they put Q10 in with the statin?!

Actually the original formulations of statins DID include CoQ10 and my understanding is that some of the European brands do include it. Any decent heart doctor who puts you on statins will tell you to take it.

A study was published in the last few weeks concluding that statins may be beneficial to many people who don't have high cholesterol:

Here is a follow-up questioning the study's findings:
Actually the original formulations of statins DID include CoQ10 and my understanding is that some of the European brands do include it. Any decent heart doctor who puts you on statins will tell you to take it.

A study was published in the last few weeks concluding that statins may be beneficial to many people who don't have high cholesterol:

Here is a follow-up questioning the study's findings:

This study was done by the drug company who made the drug.

I think that is is a good idea to try and lower your cholesterol with diet and exercise first, possibly a few natural supplements.

What I am finding quite odd is that levels that are considered normal and quite acceptable in the UK and Europe are considered to be high in the US.

If you are an individual who is obese, has other risk factors for heart disease such as metabolic syndrome and/or diabetes, familial hyperlipidaemia, high blood pressure, then statins are a good idea.

Statins inhibit an enzyme that not only affects cholesterol, but the steroid hormones, including testosterone, signal transduction, antioxidants, structural components of the cell, and cell proliferation.
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Nothing rare about the side effects. I know 12 people that were on statins and 11 of them had moderate to severe muscle aches and overall discomfort. 8 have stopped taking them and 2 started a high dosage CoQ10 regimen. Last time I checked, all had recovered although it took one of them 9 months for the arm muscles to stop aching.

There are also good articles about the statins causing memory and focus issues in long time users, including articles from NASA doctors.
and those fuckers are pushing for statins to be prescribed to children. It's almost deserving of murder. I don't want to hear about how I'm doing the "conspiracy" thing. They know full well what their drugs do and they want people to be binded to their drugs for get em young. Any parent, even with obese children, to consider putting their children on these drugs INSTEAD of altering their diet......should be shot. Notice how these parents lament their childrens health issue's blaming it on genetics, all while the kid is stuffing himself/herself with processed undigestable sugars/starches and whatnot on a daily basis? People nowadays were raised on garbage so they have no idea how to properly feed their children.
Statins are BAD!
The cholesterol figures that are supposedly 'where we should be' are set deliberately low now, so that almost overnight, millions of people were classed as having high cholesterol - this gives the doctors and the drug undustry an excuse to push their expensive, dangerous, and recently I believe it was admitted by the FDA, that they aren't actually proven to lower cholesterol.

Eat properly, take your Q10 and don't believe the lies vehemently touted by so called experts - who have a vested interest in the sale of drugs!

Visit Natural Health Information Articles and Health Newsletter by Dr. Joseph Mercola and search for Statins. You'll be enlightened... and lose a few weeks of your life reading all the info! lol.

Best thing I ever did was get my mum off Statins a month or so ago.

Calcium deposits more likely to cause heart problems than cholesterol... and where do you think Testosterone comes from....

Your argument contradicts itself. You say not to believe the doctors and drug companies who recommend statins since they have a vested interest, then you tout "Dr. Mercola" who has a vested interest in criticizing the doctors and drug companies, so he can sell his "natural" supplements. WTF????
that's not what new "independant" research is showing. After what I've been through in the last year I will never ever fully trust the medical industry let alone the drug companies. What I've found out through my own research not just about statins but other's ridiculous. I could understand perscribing some of these compounds to people who're on the ropes. But the drug industry is pushing doctors to perscribe very powerful drugs to people who don't need them. Than of course you develop a need for these drugs and have to be on them the rest of your life. I used to think all this stuff about drug companies was alot of conspiratorial bullshit too.......but no more. I've seen "first hand" the collusion between the drug industry and the medical field.

What independent research? The flaw in your argument is that even assuming there is a "conspiracy" between the drug companies and doctors who push their drugs, it does not follow that the drugs they are pushing are not good for you. I would even wager a large sum that most of the "independent" research you have been reading is propagated by someone who is pushing supplements as an alternative to statins. Here is a pretty conclusive study showing the benefits of one of the statins:

Study: Statin Helps Even If Cholesterol Is Normal : NPR
You're going to quote an american heart association study? That's like the stronghold of this whole thing.........these are not bipartisan researchers.

Nobody is going to convince me that drug peddling is a superior way to get healthier than changing your diet and excercise habits. To even suggest taking these drugs as preventative care is criminal.......morally and ethically debunkt. It's amazing how different the medical field in europe treats this drug issue. They see these type of drugs as a last line of defense.........useful in end stage cases where simply changing lifestyle habits is too little too late. They would never even consider handing this shit out to children.

And if you think it's cool to even be thinking about prevantive prescriptions of statins for children, you've got some screws loose and should hit yourself over the head with a shovel as soon as possible.

Wouldn't you rather see a kid stop stuffing his face with mcnuggets than continue his shit eating habits but take a whole drug cocktail everyday? That's what it's going to get too, for children and adults. Nobody's suggesting we stop over consuming, it's "continue as you were and take our drugs".........that's just disgusting.

What independent research? The flaw in your argument is that even assuming there is a "conspiracy" between the drug companies and doctors who push their drugs, it does not follow that the drugs they are pushing are not good for you. I would even wager a large sum that most of the "independent" research you have been reading is propagated by someone who is pushing supplements as an alternative to statins. Here is a pretty conclusive study showing the benefits of one of the statins:

Study: Statin Helps Even If Cholesterol Is Normal : NPR
hey biz
what are you a drug rep or something . In my small circle
of friends and relitives statins have been bad {muscle weekness}
inn at least 33 percent and had to go off them.
Care to keep this debate alive?
my pharmacist admitted to me that the reason they say not to eat grapefruits while taking statins is that it builds up the active compound in your system too much cause they're the same damn thing. Basically I guess statins were synthesized from some compound found in grapefruits, among other things. So just eat grapefruits. From what I understand the acid in grapefruits burns out the plaque buildup in your arteries.
my pharmacist admitted to me that the reason they say not to eat grapefruits while taking statins is that it builds up the active compound in your system too much cause they're the same damn thing. Basically I guess statins were synthesized from some compound found in grapefruits, among other things. So just eat grapefruits. From what I understand the acid in grapefruits burns out the plaque buildup in your arteries.

No, no, no. You are misinformed. It does not build up the active compound because they are the "same damn thing." Grapefruit juice blocks enzymes that help your intestines absorb many drugs, not just statins.

Grapefruit Juice Can Interact With Medicines! - Mens Health: Health and Medical Information About Mens Health Issues on
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