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Who here works 40 hours per week?

It can be done... you will be tired. I work 3 days a week, doing 12-13 hour shifts, w/ 4 days off. I think that's the best schedule for working out. But like I said, if you work 5 days a week, you can still work out, BUUUUUUUT I do believe gains suffer big time.
When it's realy bussy , my shift start at 7:00 Am and I finish around 1:30-2:00Am and that for 5 day a week plus another 10 hours on weekend. But it is usualy about 50H a week.
DownUnder23 said:
I have no problem with it! my friend that works 12 hour swings has problem juggling everything!

I work 12-14 hour shifts in a hospital. It sucks and makes it hard to get to the gym sometimes!
I work from 6:30am to 6:30pm
Rest 1 hr
Hang out w/Girlfriend 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Go to gym 10pm - 11/11:30pm

Then I can't fall asleep until at least 1 - 2am sometimes as late as 4...but then I go into work at 8

Friday and Saturday night I catch up on my sleep and get about 8-12 hrs.

Work sux doesn't it
I go to college full time (12 credits) and work 30+ hours a week.

basically I get up at 5:45am, every morning to hit the workout room in our building. I workout till 7am, then get ready for work or school whichever that may be. Then when I get done from work/school, i have my evening free to mess around with my g/f.
Its all about time management.
WOW you guys who work 50-80 hours a week and still work out are amazing. I work from 15 to 20 hours a week. I have time to workout yeah but work forces you to train at certain times, its annoying but only the most dedicated people get the best results. After this part time job, I am going to try to get a city job which is 40 hrs per week. You work 6 months on and six months you get paid to not work, then later down the road once I have worked like that for a few years and saving money I am planning to run my own business which is a secret, sorry bros, its bad luck if I tell, so then I will have lots of time to train.

I will never work over 40 hours per week even if I am poor! At least I will be big!
I spend at least 40 hours at work. 5 of those hours I think I actually work and 35 are spent sending emails to friends, reading posts on Elitefitness, and looking for new free porn sites.
Amp said:
I spend at least 40 hours at work. 5 of those hours I think I actually work and 35 are spent sending emails to friends, reading posts on Elitefitness, and looking for new free porn sites.


40+ here also, workout 5 days a weeks and cardio on the weekends!
WOrk 40hrs a week and go to school fulltime. I work from 12am to 8am and usually start school at around 10 then a have a three hour break where I take a nice power nap and drive back to school from 3-8. Since I always carry my gym bag in my car I drive directly to the gym from my last class. It's prety crazy but I am somewhat used to it now. I could work less, but I like the money and dont like to mooch off my parents.
heres a shitty schedual..I'm getting ready for a bb show right 5:00 am up for an hour of cardio..make breakfast, work at 8:00-5:00 back at the gym by 6:00pm for weights and 30-60 minutes of cardio, home cook all fucking night for the next 2 days in bed by 10:00 and start all over again, oh plus tanning and posing in there somewhere..weekends same training session and maybe some time with my lady...4 weeks left...
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