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want to buy juice on line(which one)


New member
You have been here this long and still don't know the rules!!! Get a fuckin clue!! E-mail the mods about this

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How many of these retarted source requests have their been in the last week??? Delete this post and e-mail a mod with that kind of question!
Welcome to Hell, Bro'!

Stick around, as you are going to make a lot of friends here quick! It's gonna get warm in here with all the flaming getting ready to go around.

First, quickly stick a cucumber or dildo up your ass right now to cock-block all the scammers that are going to e-mail you telling you they are a source.

Second, get a new screen name, as this one is now condemned, or damned, as many say.

Take my advice, and you'll be good to go!
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