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uncut dicks are the grossest things on earth

I'm cut. But it's really an aesthetic thing. A non-cut dick is not more "dirty" or whatever vs. a cut dick. Only about 30% or so of people are cut (in the USA). We're in the minority.
BigBazooka said:
It must be painful to spank a cut weenie. Do you have to use lube or some shit like that? My dick would burst into violent flames if I tried to spank it dry and I didn't have foresking.

Yes, some form of lubrication is necessary.
BigBazooka said:
Please tell me, how in the blue hell is it possible to masturbate with a cut dick?
Yeah, you gotta lube it up...but how much stimulation could you possibly get just sliding the skin up and down? All the nerve endings are on the surface of the skin, not under it. The sensation of other skin sliding over my skin is what it's all about.

Determined Girl said:
They belive that the extra skin traps alot more bacteria and other nasty things that would take a little bit more time in the shower to clean everyday.
I find it humerous that a female would be pointing fingers about extra skin and bacteria related to genetalia.
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Long last the uncut folks...Uncut is natural and the woman feels the difference...true!
Check this out one of my friends was re-living Vietnam and he told of this guy who decided to circumsize himself because the rest of his buddies were cut and he wanted to fit in. Anyways they heard him scream and ended up taking him to the medic to finish because he passed out. LMFAO :chainsaw: :FRlol:
Mine is uncut - the skin adds an extra twelve inches to my already eight. It's pretty sexy. People's heads (the ones on their shoulders) have gotten lost in my foreskin before . . .
Full skin jacket!!!!

I'm consider myself lucky to be in one full piece, uncircumcised.
Did you know that by being uncircumcised, you didn't only lose a sheath of skin, but thousands of nerves along with it, designed by one single purpose: a man's pleasure. Nature didn't just put it there out of the hassle, we mess up with the wisdom of mother nature for selfish pursposes. HOW?
Did you guys know that CIRCUMCISION is the great AMERICAN BUSINESS since the early automobil era?
Every year, american parents, generation after generation "automatically" cercenate their male babies just because is "tradition" to do so, without even reasonably/rationally question it, WHY? Doctors don't even ask for permission or consider it a choice, it's consider customary, a "must", hygiene reasons(?), as they, doctors and hospitals pocket senselessly $ 300-500 per baby, what a business!
They make claims of hygiene and health. USA is the only country which exercises this unnecessary/unrational practice. Everywhere else, except for the jews and some arabs countries, don't do it.
In fact, started with the jews in America: masturbation leads to retardation, they claimed at the outset of the last century. Later, it was proven scientifically that this was absolute non-sense. But by then it had already caught up with the mass of population, reinforcing the practice with hygiene scares, that leads to illnesses and the like, plus cashing in on the "service". The rest of the world pupulation didn't and won't die of penis hygiene, parents and doctors teach how to self-clean the sheath and the gland of the penis. Now is a "TRADITION", "I'm circumcised, so my boy has to be too"
We, americans, deserve to have a choice on this, and stop the madness of circumcision. If you're a grown up and want to go for it for whatever reasons you deem appropriate, so be it. But let us not let it be a nonsense mutilation, just based on some selfish convenience for ulterior motives.
By the way, my intercourses are so much more pleasurable, and don't suffer from premature ejaculaton because of it. That's something you get good at by practice and self control.
Ignorance makes for non-sense comments.
Americans are the only ones (me included, but lucky!) who were brainwashed by the JEWS.......
Nuff said.
Boarding party.....AWAY!!!

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