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Thymosin Beta 4(TB-500) Injury Healing

My rotator cuff is getting a little better everyday from 500mcg BPC-157 and 500mcg TB-500 injected into my injury daily with a slin pin. This rotator cuff tear is one of the worst tears of my lifting career. I know I needed surgery but hate dealing with doctors. The injury is slowly improving so I'm going to keep using these healing peptides and heal it on my own.
Thymosin beta 4 induces hair growth via stem cell migration and differentiation.

Philp D1, St-Surin S, Cha HJ, Moon HS, Kleinman HK, Elkin M.
Author information
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2007 Sep;1112:95-103.

Thymosin beta 4 is a small 43-amino-acid molecule that has multiple biological activities, including promotion of cell migration angiogenesis, cell survival, protease production, and wound healing. We have found that thymosin beta 4 promotes hair growth in various rat and mice models including a transgenic thymosin beta 4 overexpressing mouse. We have also determined the mechanism by which thymosin beta 4 acts to promote hair growth by examining its effects on follicle stem cell growth, migration, differentiation, and protease production.
My new method of injecting TB-500 at 500mcg per daily locally into the injury via intramuscular injection is proving to be a great way to run TB-500.
Hello! New to this amazing site!
I have a question: Would tb500 be able to heal older (2-3years) cartilage dmg?
I have a small tear In right medial meniscus... Which sucks since I used to do Oly weightlifting.
The tear is at the back, and it kinda hurt alot when i squat to just above 90degrees.
I love squats. And alot of fysio and rehabbing has not been able to help me being able to do Them again.
Thank you
Another question for anyone that has used this pep. Has anyone used this for regeneration of a disc in the neck region ? I have a disc at C7 level that is causing tingling in my hands and arms. My orthopedic surgeon wants to fuse it but I'm tired of getting cut.

Thanks in advance
Been following the TB-500 issue for some time. My question is, does it come in pill form?
I have been told 2mg tablets are available but from England.
Anyone have any ideas on the pill form?
Hi all! I am a professional female bodybuilder. I am 49 years old.
I have partial tear, tendinitis and degeneration of the biceps tendon. Partial thickness tears of the subscapularis and supraspinatusand superior labrum tear. All on my right arm. Yes, I am a mess... lol

I ordered TB500 and BPC157. I have been researching dosing but am conflicted on the the correct Constitution of water for each 5 mg vial. I am planning to inject 500 m
a day of each. Any input will be soon appreciated. As I want to be back to normal soon!!
I put 2ml of BAC water in the vial, don't shake the vial just let it drip down and then swirl the vial. Each 10iu will be 250mcg. I would suggest dosing 250mcg twice a day, close to the injury site. I used that protocol and have healed numerous injuries.
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