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Things I want to do to females

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I don't care about your moral relativity theories. Just because some people view it as ok does not mean it is right.
First of all, dont ever call me grasshopper you water beatle.. The damage you will cause is to yourself by getting your panties all wound up about something you read on the internet.

I think you are more pissed off because you have the feelings that you denounce, and you cant stand it because YOU are the one who is trying to supress them.

Single male, living alone, early 20's.. it's more likely that you are te anti-social would be killer.. reading stuff like this could set you off. Maybe I should alert the authorites about you?

I am not offended by your stance, more over I feel sorry for you and I really hope you find a way to deal with these feelings in a more productive mannor.

You need to take control of yourself and deal with your own inadequacies before you can even hope to take on the likes of a nathan or a martha stewart.

Now go and be a good little boy and stay on the BB and training boards.. That will give you something postive to focus on, so we over here who can handle our own thoughts in a responsible mannor wont set a loose cannon like you off.

Cheers buttercup.
Nice threat Nathan. I was in the Marines and have taken Tae Kwan do and Aikido throughout the years and can do my own damage in a fight. I know you think only stupid jocks can fight and anybody with a brain must be weak and pathetic. Come on then, come to my house and beat up poor ol me. Want my address?

Martha: You aren't even worth responding to. Your a jokester and a pranker. Obviously nothing to you is serious and you have not one brain cell worth consideration. You need to tak an ethics or philosophy course. Of course that would mean you need to learn to think.
Guys, if he has really been in the Marines, we are in way over our heads.

Why don't we just concede at this point that he is right on this one. I mean shit, he has taken Tae Kwan Do AND fucking Aikido.

There is no way any of us could even touch that, therefore, he must be right.

I worship the ground this guy walks on and only hope that one day I can learn to think just like him.
Maybe if I join the military I can learn to think the right way.
What is that term they have for that?
SV2 said:

You need to take control of yourself and deal with your own inadequacies before you can even hope to take on the likes of a nathan or a martha stewart.

26 actually.

The likes of Nathan or Martha? Those brain dead wanna be poseurs? They still have not thrown out an intelligent flame or defended their philosophies. The "likes of nathan or martha" don't even slightly worry me. Apparently they all rely on gathering similar minded (read bigoted and ignorant) people so that it looks like they win because they are allied to more people than myself. Look at some of the insults, three worded, or two worded insults, shut up, or you are an idiot, or you are fat. Stuff that only makes me laugh.

My inadequesies? Certainly nothing to do with the topic at hand. It is for you to show my adequacies if you so think they exist. I know I have them, but bringing them up would be a non-sequitor because they have nothing to do with the context.

Mactep said:
Nice threat Nathan. I was in the Marines and have taken Tae Kwan do and Aikido throughout the years and can do my own damage in a fight. I know you think only stupid jocks can fight and anybody with a brain must be weak and pathetic. Come on then, come to my house and beat up poor ol me. Want my address?

Martha: You aren't even worth responding to. Your a jokester and a pranker. Obviously nothing to you is serious and you have not one brain cell worth consideration. You need to tak an ethics or philosophy course. Of course that would mean you need to learn to think.

I'm telling you I would fucking kill you in a fight. Your training is irrelevant. I'm quick like a cat and jump a horizontal distance of like 5, 6 feet even no problem. That's not even while wearing shoes either pal.
MarthaStewart said:
Guys, if he has really been in the Marines, we are in way over our heads.

Why don't we just concede at this point that he is right on this one. I mean shit, he has taken Tae Kwan Do AND fucking Aikido.

There is no way any of us could even touch that, therefore, he must be right.

I worship the ground this guy walks on and only hope that one day I can learn to think just like him.
Maybe if I join the military I can learn to think the right way.
What is that term they have for that?

This is why you are hardly worth considering. Nowhere did I even suggest that I am right because of this. You attributed that to my statement. I was saying he can go ahead and come to my house I know how to physically defend myself just fine. Mostly I would rely on the law though.

I defend my arguments via articulation, not by threats. Nathan and SV2 are the one that suggested violence. That shows the Intelligence of the poster just fine.
Mactep said:

This is why you are hardly worth considering.

I'm so incredibly stupid that I can't even beging to explain how pleased I am when people say that I'm too stupid to consider.

It fucking rules.
seriously - I don't want to get into it, but trust me, I'm loving it.

I applaud you for making my day entertaining. I hope in real life your fat ass gets laid a lot.
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