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switching from tren a to tren e?


New member
Okay so i just completed my 12 week tren a cycle got blood works done and everything came out perfectly fine except rbc which i can manage . thought might as well continue running gear , i plan to look a certain way and i think it might take another 10 or 12 weeks of tren e (as its less of a pain in the ass and comparitively fuck loads cheaper šŸ˜© ) to get there.

My question is im at week 12 of tren ace ,the highest peak of my cycle ,blood level wise. will switching from acetate to enanthate make my blood levels and gains fall to rock bottom? Will i have to start all over again and wait for 4 weeks for the gains to start coming back in? The dose im running ace at is 350 mg a week and ill be running enanthate at 600 mgs a week thats almost twice as much sort of like a front load.. Really confused about this
IMO whatever you do there will be a point between them when your blood levels will get completely messed, either waiting for the ace to get released or not. Also a 24-week cycle on tren is quite long so you should consider it carefully.
The time on tren doesn't bother me as much as the yoyoing of the blood levels, that's always when I get slammed with sides, when the levels go all cockeyed. Whyyyy god switch from ace? It costs more because its worth it
Too many damn jabs mate ..its literally a pain in the ass ,dont want no scar tissue either . plus tren e comes in at 77$ 250mgs 10 cc ,tren a at 63 $ 100 mg 10 cc. Bang for buck bruva . im thinking my receptors and stuff like rbc and other shit( that i cant think of ) are already activated thanks to the tren a cycle and i might be able to continue making those tren gains .. ive almost doubled the dose so im thinking it might work as sort of a front load so i might not miss out on gains. Will let you know how it goes probably shouldve done the tren e with the ace ,4 weeks before dropping the ace . personally i dont get no side effects from tren at all .. Testosterone however is a different demon but thats mainly estrogenic sides
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