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Steroids effects on tendons and joints?

sparetire said:
if you run deca - it will pull water into your joints so that if you currently have pains, they will subside while you are on your cycle. If you run winny, winny tends to dry up your joints and most people complain about joint pains. Most steroids that are highly androgenic will pull water into your joints giving them the "cushion" that you need like deca, dbol, high amounts of test, etc. Winny is the only one that I am aware of that will dry them up. I ran winny for 6 weeks and didn't have a problem with my joints, but I was taking a gram of glucosimine/condroitine and msm a day to prevent those side effects :)
Hope that helps :)

where did you found that information? I just wandering, it sounds right to me.
krishna said:
I read about a doctor who actually recommends one moderate cycle of deca per year for overall health, including to help strengthen and repair joints and tendons in middle aged men. I'll see if I can find it, but it's been a while.

I have heard about a doctor prescribing 100mg of deca once every two weeks for overall health. Seems like it would shut you down, don't know if there is much truth to this.
Bozwell said:
I know this has been talked about loads of times but Ive searched and cant find shit,
so can any one tell me the effects of various steroids on tendons and joints
mainly test,dbol, var, nandrolone,tbol and tren
cheers ;)
K to those with good info.
All gear can be harmful if you are not careful, and the stronger ones like tren and dbol as someone stated earlier. The biggest mistake is peeps getting the huge strength gains so quickly and not conisdering that this is not natural and tendons cannot grow as fast as the muscles can. When I first started gear, my bench jumped to 4 sets of 10-12 reps of 360lbs, and I am only a little 5'7" guy.....tore my shoulders up bigtime cause muscles were strong but tendons were not. I pulled myself together mentally and backed off on the weight after allowing healing time, then started working the weight back up SLOWLY, tendons are much happier now. This also of course affected the secondaries, my elbows and wrists were pretty torn up too.
Another way AAS helps joints and tendons is by forcing them to grow indirectly. If you gain muscle, your joints have to grow and strengthen to compensate for the added muscle. As long as you don't go overboard and cause damage to your connective tissue, you're actually causing them to grow and get stronger. They don't deteriorate like muscle, so the effects are long lasting. On the flip side, if you cause an injury to one of these tendons, then you could be in trouble for a long time.
Can't someone with a science backgroud jump in? Tux maybe? Not to flame you "krishna" but I respectfully disagree. Steroids do not cause your tendons and joints to "grow" that is the problem with lifting too heavy on cycle or improper form, as far as I know HGH is the only chemical which strenghtens or repairs ligament cells
Im the poster child for going too big with the juice and tearing myself apart! example my first cycle ever and dont laugh I was new then lol.... deca,sustanon and dianabol first 6 weeks 2 shots of each every other day!
next 6 weeks no time off ....equipose,ethanate and suspension for 6 weeks deca , test 400, anadrols..first 6 weeks was benching 225 reps of 8 next 6 weeks bench went up too 345 reps of 8 6 bench went way up 490 pounds then i got off juice 3 weeks later playin football seperated left shoulder ..4 months after healing that shoulder seperated my right shoulder playing softball ..3 weeks ago just climbing up a roof my knee hiper extended blow out so yea juice does the body no good if you abuse deca makes you feel nothing thats why ya gotta love it big bill out
slat1 said:
I will have first hand knowledge in a few weeks. About a year ago I was diagnosed with a strained bicept tendon. I found out today it was actually a partial tear!
I have been taking gh at 2iu's a day since march. Eq and var too. I hope this shit has healed! I know it hasn't though. It hurts when I wake up... hurts all day too.
My MRI will show if it improved or got worse.
I'll let you guys know!

Sorry to here that,pain sucks
all good so far ,I see a few here have already done damage to themselves by lifting to much to quick.I have just finished a dbol only cycle (all sigh :rolleyes: ) and the streanth gains were just silly, in 5 weeks I put 40kg to my squats and 20 kg on my bench and am looking into trying to streanthen my tendons and joints before I do myself some damage cheers to all but I cant give k to everyone ;)
mstigi said:
Can't someone with a science backgroud jump in? Tux maybe? Not to flame you "krishna" but I respectfully disagree. Steroids do not cause your tendons and joints to "grow" that is the problem with lifting too heavy on cycle or improper form, as far as I know HGH is the only chemical which strenghtens or repairs ligament cells

I just finished my Anatomy and physiology class last semester. Your body will naturally strengthen and repair connective tissue over time. This process takes a lot longer then muscle growth. The more muscle a person gains, the more stress it will put on your joints and tendons, stimulating chondrocytes to produce more connective tissie, i.e., cartilage, collagen, elastin, etc. Steroids cause massive muscle growth, which again put stress on your joints and ligaments. Like I said, as long as you don't stress them to the point of injury, you are actually causing them to strengthen and grow indirectly. This is something you probably will not notice by looking at yourself in the mirror. Do you think someone who gained 40-50 pounds of muscle over 2 or 3 years could lift then what they can now without causing damage? No, because their joints and tendons weren't strong enough then. So how come they are able to lift more now without causing damage? HMMMM....their connective tissue must of grown and got stronger sometime during all that extra muscle growth wouldn't you say?
mstigi said:
Can't someone with a science backgroud jump in? Tux maybe? Not to flame you "krishna" but I respectfully disagree. Steroids do not cause your tendons and joints to "grow" that is the problem with lifting too heavy on cycle or improper form, as far as I know HGH is the only chemical which strenghtens or repairs ligament cells

that is a true statement
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