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Simply strong, gear advice.


New member
22/6'/225lb/13% bf

Looking to get strong, wondering what gear would best be suited. Looking at tren150/test250/bold100/ 2x wk . Finished a test anavar cycle. Any advice is appreciated!
I've only done one cycle it was jacked up.
Tren c 300ml/wk 1-3
Test-e 500 wk 4-8
Anavar 40/ed. Wk 4-8

I mentioned on another thread of a tren /test / bold cocktail would that be suitable.

PS that cycle was before I found this awesome forum full of human archives and experts!
Sent from " Barbell "
Your 22 years old. The only thing you need besides food for strength and size gains is discipline. You will not be successful if you attempt to use gear to create a base.
I've only done one cycle it was jacked up.
Tren c 300ml/wk 1-3
Test-e 500 wk 4-8
Anavar 40/ed. Wk 4-8

I mentioned on another thread of a tren /test / bold cocktail would that be suitable.

PS that cycle was before I found this awesome forum full of human archives and experts!
Sent from " Barbell "

I wouldn't use that concoction as it doesn't make sense. Considering your relatively new to aas I would stick with a classic test, decca, dbol cycle. Here is how I'd run it.

1-15 test e 500 mg week
1-12 decca 300 mg week
1-4 dbol 30 mg day
1-4 n2guard
1-15 caber 0.5 mg e3d
1-15 Adex as needed
6-12 hcgen
12-17 hcg 1000 ius week

Pct 17-21
Clomid 25 mg day
Post cycle/ unleashed

21-25 bridge or phytoserms or both.

Use code joeb15 for 15% of at Ntbm.

Use code TEAM1001 at ruthless supps for a discount on transaderm and phytoserms.
Alright. Got the gear on order just wondering on a couple things

1. Is there a test 400/ml? Since I had such a big order he said he was able to get me that to hook me up.

2. Caber? Is it nessicary all I've read is its to prevent Decca wifes about to pop a kid out so I need Decca dick lol.

3. Adex, you suggest as needed is this my gyno prevention from evolution?

Again, I appreciate any input expecially by the gurus !
Sent from " Barbell "
Alright. Got the gear on order just wondering on a couple things

1. Is there a test 400/ml? Since I had such a big order he said he was able to get me that to hook me up.

2. Caber? Is it nessicary all I've read is its to prevent Decca wifes about to pop a kid out so I need Decca dick lol.

3. Adex, you suggest as needed is this my gyno prevention from evolution?

Again, I appreciate any input expecially by the gurus !
Sent from " Barbell "


1. Yes there is test at 400 an ml, but it usually causes pip. If this is the case dilute it with gso.

2. I recommend having it incase you need it. At 300 mg week you shouldn't need it but better safe then sorry.

3. Yes as necessary meaning 1-2 times a week should be sufficient. I'm running 750 mg week and I only need adex once every 4 days or so. If symptoms show up more often then increase frequency to Ed or eod.

Use code joeb15 for 15% of at Ntbm.

Use code TEAM1001 at ruthless supps for a discount on transaderm and phytoserms.
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