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Ostarine, LGD, GHRP log


New member
Many of you saw my first post about my first SARMS cycle and I have decided to log it mainly for my benefit, but also for those of you looking for more information on SARMS. The log looks as such

Weeks 1-2: Ostarine 25mg
Weeks 3: Ostarine 12.5 mg, LGD 3 mg
week 4: LGD 4 mg
week 5: LGD 5 mg
week 6: LGD 5 mg
week 7: LGD 5 mg, 12.5 mg Ostarine
week 8: 12.5mg Ostarine


week 4-10: froma stanzol 4PM 4AM
weeks 6-12: HCgenerate
weeks 8-12: DAA, Unleashed

I will be stacking these with one boom dose at night time of ipamorelin 400mg, cjc no dac 100 mg at night time before bed as this has been my most beneficial dosing protocol.

So far I have just come to a close on week 2 and have really enjoyed the ostarine. My starting stats were 6'2 180 6-8% body fat, low strength. I was benching literally 135 for 12 reps (pathetic I know)

Progress after two weeks on ostarine, and notes:
First few days suffered a little restlessness and insomnia. Mood has been noticeably better, but not euphoric or what I imagine being on test might feel like. Will say it gives a nice boost. Been noticing great pumps, huge strength increases, and of course... gains. I haven't broken 180 in ages. My morning weight now is 182.6, and my bench has gone to 155 for 20 reps. My rotator cuff which had been hurting for ages has healed over the course of a week (incredible). I am eating 5500 cals a day as I have an insane metabolism, but have been dropping fat somehow while eating like a pig. These 2.6 pounds have got to be at least 60% lean muscle as I look thicker and stronger. I am excited to add the LGD tomorrow and really see where the gains will go from there. Many reps on the board have suggested the super sarms cycle, which I have no doubt in my mind would be absolutely a one way ticket to gain city, but it seems a little harsh on my system when my body had trouble adapting to a mere 25mgs of ostarine. Going to keep this cycle light. Stay tuned for more updates when the lgd kicks in XD For the first week of the LGD I will keep ostarine in the mix at a lower dose so my blood remains saturated during the transition to LGD. I want at least some time on each compound solo to really get a feel for their effects. So far I would say ostarine is pretty damn great, balls hanging low, libido high, and gains keep coming.
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