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Newbies - stay away from Testonon 250!

It's not just the brand of gear, but which lot it is from as well. I'm using ttokkyo testonon right now, and having no problems what so ever. If you are expierencing pain like you said you are, you got an old batch with very high BA content. Some people are holding on to the older lot #s till they can find somebody to pawn them off on. Next time do a little more in depth research and ask your source if he has certain lot #s. I know it may sound like a lot of bullshit to go through, but the two main guys I use have no problem with it since they know I'm a good customer. Just my .02
anybody have experience with Karachi's...starting cycle in 1 week...have uses omna's before, no pain..

shit QV En 250 sounds like hell.. I was thinking of it for next fall cycle..mabe go with ICN's now
Latamier, I don't have a source, I just went directly to the pharmacy (or in this case granero and ordered over the counter.
I said sustanon, he hands me Testonon 250, I check the active ingredients, looks fine to me, and I am on my way.
Last thing on my mind was the lot# (which I don't know much about anyway). But I get your point.
I'll do more research next time.
anybody have experience with Karachi's...starting cycle in 1 week...have uses omna's before, no pain..

shit QV En 250 sounds like hell.. I was thinking of it for next fall cycle..mabe go with ICN's now

Karachi's are GREAT, no pain from the gear....
I heard one way of killing a little bit of the pain was to put the amp in some very hot water, no boiling hot like your cooking spaghetti but right before you see the bubbles starting to rise.
anybody have experience with Karachi's...starting cycle in 1 week...have uses omna's before, no pain..

shit QV En 250 sounds like hell.. I was thinking of it for next fall cycle..mabe go with ICN's now
qv enan is not too bad dude, i really dont think its that painful at all. but icn is top notch gear no question.
yeah suck it up bro. Just because it hurt you doesn't mean it hurts everyone. I used it for my first cycle and it gave me great strength gains and a general feeling of well being that I didn't get with enanthate.

I just finished week four on ttokkyo sus and I've hardly made any gains. The injections do cause a bit of soreness but I can handle that. I can't handle not making gains. I'm switching to Denkall T400 which I hear is even more painful.

I've used organon sus before and it jacked me up real good. Ahh. the good ol days when I had a source of Organon sus at $8 per amp. Now the shits about $20/amp.

I think you missed my point bro. This post wasn't about my pain, it was about the gear that caused the pain.
Read my post "Cycle 1, week 1 - what went wrong?" and watch what others have to say about it.
I simply wanted to warn newbies that this gear can cause a great deal of pain, it has happened all over the place.
So no need to tell me to suck it up.

stay well
I've used 2 diff. types of sus. The first KArachi no pain at all. I then did some qv enanthate which was hell for 10 weeks after every shot for 3 days I couldn't sit,drive or sleep on the glute I stuck it in. Very good results though. Now Im on some duratest from organon and its pretty much pain free, a little sore but nothing extreme.
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