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New user Deca and Test


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Im going to stack deca and test. I plan on injecting them in my ass. is that a good place for a beginner and how much ccs should i do for the first time.
Don't take this the wrong way bro but if you are asking where to inject you have not studied up enough to even consider the sauce. Gear is serious shit and you need to ask yourself a few things befor eyou use it. Do I need it at this stage to grow or can I still grow naturally? Can I accept the risks? Do I specific goals I am trying to acheive and how is the sauce going to aid in that goal being reached? I asked myself all these questions and I did it and I'll admit I fucking love being on gear. You're going to do gear as we all know and you ARE going to love it. Just be careful and yes, inject in your ass and do 400mg of test per week and 400mg of deca per week for your first cycle and don't forget your PCT. Oh, to sauce again for the first time.....Like getting my cherrie popped.
Test and deca is my favorite cycle of all time. It is your best bang for your buck by a long shot. I would take 500 test/week and 400 deca if I were you. Eat alot of clean protein and lift hard and you will love the result. If you put alot into this you will certainly get alot out
use 300 mg of deca every wk and 250 test enanth... scherings a wk.
stack it with bromocriptine if needed , use 500 mg a wk hcg "gonakor" I.M. plug em in ur shoulder splited by 250 's sat - sundy approach beginning 2 wks after ur 1st shot and continue doing it trough until 4 days prior PCT.
PCT: 3 wks after last test shot start clomid 250 day 1, 100 day 2 and 50 mg for 16 days : total: 18 days of clomid therapy.
Include also Nolva: 40 mg wk 1, then 20 mg for 2 wks more.
Use tribulus during PCT.
u can run the deca-test cicle as long as 11 wks (i recomend) then swich compunds (after you are recovered).
PRoXoNEtAPiMpbitch said:
use 300 mg of deca every wk and 250 test enanth... scherings a wk.
stack it with bromocriptine if needed , use 500 mg a wk hcg "gonakor" I.M. plug em in ur shoulder splited by 250 's sat - sundy approach beginning 2 wks after ur 1st shot and continue doing it trough until 4 days prior PCT.
PCT: 3 wks after last test shot start clomid 250 day 1, 100 day 2 and 50 mg for 16 days : total: 18 days of clomid therapy.
Include also Nolva: 40 mg wk 1, then 20 mg for 2 wks more.
Use tribulus during PCT.
u can run the deca-test cicle as long as 11 wks (i recomend) then swich compunds (after you are recovered).

I'd be scared of using less test than deca but..... if you dont have a girlfriend than I guess you wont have a problem.
make sure you aspirate the needle, or understand that you need to during injections, if you dont and you hit a vein, and inject in a vein then 400mg of test in rushing back into your heart, if you live(which you can die from injecting in a vein), it wont be a fun feeling... so, do your homework bout how to inject, were to inject and so on, i think there are some links for proper injections, dont be scared of that but just learn before you jump into stuff like this, this isnt jks! this isnt GNC, this inst flex magazine, do your homework man....
Don't take this the wrong way bro but if you are asking where to inject you have not studied up enough to even consider the sauce.

okay i knew some ppl inject it in their quads and shoulder or some sh*t like that but i dont plan on doing that. i guess thats wat i was asking
well i gave myself the shot. that probably wasnt the smartest thing to do but my friend marked the spot and didnt give it to me because he didnt have any rubbing alcohol. its the second day and my soreness went away. today i went conditioning and lifting and the conditioning killed me. i was getting a headache due to the heat it seemed like. any suggestions
Ok for an 8 week mass cycle:

Wks 1-4 Dbol @ 35mg ED
Wks 1-8 Sus @ 500mg EW
Wks 1-8 Decca @ 400mg EW

Here the Decca should be 400mg for optimum effects, and the Dianabol at the onset helps kick start the cycle while you are waiting for the longer acting Deca and test to take effect.
Nolvadex should be on hand in case symptoms of aromatisation become apparent. Clomid should be used post cycle commencing at 14 -- 21 days after your last Decca jab. Preferred dosages are 300mg day 1, 100mg next 10 days and 50mg last 10 days (21 days in total). You may hold a lot of water from this brought about by the Dianabol and the testosterone but this can be reduced by the use of Nolvadex / Tamoxifen at 10mg ED
The dosage of Dianabol may be divided out through out the day and taken every 3-4 hrs as it has such a short half-life.
The SUS and the Deca can be split down into 3 shots per week: 250mg of test (1ml) plus 100mg of Deca (1ml) mixed into the same syringe, and another of 200mg of Deca (2ml).

In terms of dosages etc then you could look at reducing to 200mg Decca and 250mg Test EW as you have not given much info on size, training etc.

Some will say teh dosages i state are too high but this game is all about opinion and i believe they are fine for a first cycle

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