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Neurogenex- For students looking to raise test scores.

just ordered some. ill let you guys know how it is. you said a few weeks before you notice it working?
According to a poster Ulter, "Because many members are heading into the final months of school I thought this would be a good time to remind people about Neurogenex. For many people it can make the difference between a $35,000 a year job and a $50,000 job coming out of school. And for those younger it's can be the difference between Ivy League and State. I know most the people using it during the school year have done so in order to help them balance their academic and social commitments. Like being mentally alert for the 8AM class after getting home at 4AM. But testing and problem solving skills are where you'll see the biggest increase when you use Neurogenex."

If I were you, I would avoid snake oil claims such as these. Contrary to popular belief on this board, and the belief of many body builders here, there is no supplement that will "get you into an Ivy League school." To adhere to such spurious claims is ridiculous and actually quite laughable. There has never been any supplement that has been proven to enhance cognitive functioning. Please read Peter Breggin of Harvard's antipsychiatry book. Toxic Psychiatry, among other books, are particularly pertinent because they speak of altering brain function for "gains". Using unknown compounds to alter brain function could have permanent deleterious effects beyond those which you expect. However, the drugs might also have no effect, and you will simply be hoodwinked out of a bunch of money...your choice.
If I were you, I would avoid snake oil claims such as these. Contrary to popular belief on this board, and the belief of many body builders here, there is no supplement that will "get you into an Ivy League school." To adhere to such spurious claims is ridiculous and actually quite laughable.

If I were you I would want to know what the product contained before I ran my mouth off about something you know nothing about. What's laughable is your response to a product that 1. you've never used and 2. you haven't researched. You might have noticed also that this post you're referring to is very old. Since it was written over a thousand people from this board have used the product and are very satisfied with it. In fact, it's the only product we sell that has never been returned for a refund. So don't go popping off on this board until you've done your homework and can argue your points on science and chemistry rather than an uninformed opinion.
Your claims are preposterous and silly at best. You have no right to swindle people into snake oil that is neither FDA approved nor of any efficacy. In short, your product is crap. Your product in no way helps people get into "ivy league" colleges, so please don't suggest that. THAT is a lie.
brownuniversity2: I think you misunderstood the point of this product. There are so many products like this one on the market. This product helps you clear your mind sort help your memory out. helps you absorb more info. however, It will not automatically turn an C student into an A student. IT just helps, but you gotta be already smart enough to fully comprehend the info on your own.

It's not a magic pill, there is no such thing as a Magic pill for anything. it does help, to probably a small degree. there are other things one can do to help study, think and score better on exams. it aint no magic pill that will turn a dumbass into a ivy league student. hahaha!
sure, theres a lil bit of marketing involved, but why shouldn't there be? look how much competition thee is these days, and how our minds blasted with advertisments about EVERYTHING. without a lil bit of sales pitch and creative marketing, you CAN'T sell anything these days!!
I agree that that is what this product is and nothing more.

I just don't think it's right to advertise it that way, but no it's not a big deal. Just hope consumers can pay attention to whats right and wrong.

roadkill75 said:
brownuniversity2: I think you misunderstood the point of this product. There are so many products like this one on the market. This product helps you clear your mind sort help your memory out. helps you absorb more info. however, It will not automatically turn an C student into an A student. IT just helps, but you gotta be already smart enough to fully comprehend the info on your own.

It's not a magic pill, there is no such thing as a Magic pill for anything. it does help, to probably a small degree. there are other things one can do to help study, think and score better on exams. it aint no magic pill that will turn a dumbass into a ivy league student. hahaha!
sure, theres a lil bit of marketing involved, but why shouldn't there be? look how much competition thee is these days, and how our minds blasted with advertisments about EVERYTHING. without a lil bit of sales pitch and creative marketing, you CAN'T sell anything these days!!
There is no right or wrong. If Ulter is wrong to advertise in this way, then every product ad on our TV is wrong.

If the consumer are buying it thinking it's going to change their life and it's gonna help them graduate and pass tests that they never bothered studying for. then i dont even feel bad for em. they're too stupid to begin with =)
can some one tell me when it normally starts to "kick in", and i dont mean make me instantly smarter. but how long for it to start having an effect?
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