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MY Next Cycle, opionions wanted


New member
Tell me what your opinions are, i got a bunch of odds and ends laying around and i'm just gonna lean up with it.

Weeks 1-4 40mgs dbol
Weeks 1-10 250mgs omnas, frontloading with 500
Weeks 1-10 500mgs deca
Weeks 5-12 50mgs winny ed
Weeks 10-16 100mgs suspension eod
Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off with e/c/a in between
arimidex at .25mgs a day
clomid for 3 weeks at 200mgs a week starting two days after last suspension shot.

My logic is i want to lean up a bit while adding some size, also this is what i have left and i just want to burn it all up. Also the suspension is oil based thats why eod
Looks a little long but other than that fine. I personally would use the suspension during weeks 6-12 and not drag it out to 16 weeks..
looks good. except for the omna being low.. and maybe taking the susp ed and for weeks 8-14 instead of 10-16..

now that i think about it.. i don't agree with your logic either...

choose one or the other.. don't try to cut and bulk at the same time.. you'll get half the mass you'd gain if you just bulk and half the cuts you'd get if you just cut.. which ends up being absolutely shit for gains.. and a whole lotta disappointment in your cycle.

one or the other bro. it's still winter.. it'd be a good bulking cycle.. then you have all spring and summer to cut.. save the clen.. BULK!!!

1. Reason for the test being so low throughout the cycle is that i have some serious problems getting acne on my back with higher doses of any androgens, but 4 weeks of dbol never affected me at all..... ie. finaplix is now a no no for me also

2. this is basically a cutting cycle but i'm hoping to put on a bit of lean mass from the clen plus i'll be eating low carb like 200 grams a day, mostly post workout, and very high protein so i'm hoping that although i will be burning fat i may be able to put on a few more pounds of lean muscle, but fat burning is my most important goal

3. bulking. no i'm already 235 at 5'10 and i don't want to get any bigger... i think this will be my last cycle so i just want to be really lean when i'm done and at a weight that i can maintain while being natural

4. suspension at the beginning is what i just thought about too, good idea.. only reason i wanted to use dbol to start is that i already had it laying around and wanted to burn it up, but maybe a buddy will want it at a discount :)

thanks for the ideas bros , keep em coming please.
tanning helps with acne as uv rays kill bacteria. I'd go 500 for the omna. Also, I like the e/o day approach to arimidex due to it's half life.
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