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First Timer - Looking for some direction!

ambient said:
lol, just looking for some info is all

i coulda wrote "holla at a playa"
O-k, atleast you got a good sence of humor :) anyway i think you should just slow down for a Min, think about your goals, and deside your route to get there.i wouldnt go ordering hundreds of dollars of shit just yet (OTC). Get your eating habbits under control.chicken/sweet potato/oatmeal/brocalli/ ect... clean eating habbits do wonders, and i didnt read about this, I did it, And it worked..Then once your at the spot you want to be ( without beer gut ect.. we can talk about beefin you up..what OTC supps are good ect.. Training programs, and how to stick to it ! After all is said and done you will have some great knowlage and also been around here long enough to pick up on what other bro's are doing, At that point you can do your trial/error and see what your body best responds to..if you read some of this stuff you'll see that when im on 40mg of dball i have no sides, while some other Bro might have to keep it no higher than 30mg, it's that stick around and swell your brain not just muscles !
samoth said:
Dude, your three years "on and off" still puts you in the beginner stage. If you're not making gains, frustrated, losing motivation, and varying diet/routine/supps quickly in only a couple years of on and off training... heh, don't expect much from steroids.


Well steroids will help him gain weight and get stronger, but since like you said with on and off he'll just get bigger and smaller again....bigger and smaller again, I seen many people at my gym do the I'm gonna take steroids but not take lifting too seriously and when I start to look good I'm going to stop working out for a few months and look like complete crap again therefore wasting need discipline first, steroids second.
ambient said:
180 lbs
lifting 3 years on and off
in shape, small/mid beer gut

goal would be medium gains, minimal side effects

I would work on that gut first. Get your diet right first and then start eating alot of quality food to help you put on size. Max out your potential first before thinking about a cycle.
ambient said:
To be completely honest I've got "geek" genes. I program complex algorithms and regular expressions all day and feel like I'd be more suited to study these chemicals than use them. That being said I push and push and push- I've tried all kinds of routines, diets, OTC supplements and I'm making very little gains. I really feel like I'm just a very slow gainer. Hard to stay motivated when my progress is miniscule and I'm exerting a lot of effort.

(Sorry guys I have to run I'll check in late tonight or tomorrow and read some more stickies / reply. Thanks!)

Im in a science/math based feild as well. if your anything like me you need to put a number on things to compare them. if you can handle algorithms you should be able to read and compile data, then give them a effectiveness rating and a side effect rating. effectiveness/side effects= overall rating. thats how i do it. once you have read enough that you truely understand each compound you should be able to answer these questions for yourself. but I would post my cycle and ask if its ok before starting it. some of the vets on here have been training for 10+ years. I don't care how much you study the compounds they will always know more about it than any of us newbies.
Get ur diet and supps straight, lose the gut and jump on the sauce. Start with a low dose test cycle. Man, lots of longggggg winded bro's on tonight. Must be the egg nog.. Happy Holidays All!!
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