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Do you think Cancer is hereditary?

Well, let's see -- my uncle had skin cancer, my dad had skin cancer, I've had a couple of basal cell carcinomas removed...
Cancer researchers are linking certain cancers to bacteria and viruses.
The human body has active cancer cells at any given time. The immune system's job is to kill these cancer cells. When the body cannot ward off infections, it leaves the bodies open to cancers.

Any abuse of the immune system will leave the body vulnerable to cancers and other illness.

I also have skin cancer. My skin cancer reared it's ugly head once my immune system when down from lyme disease.
blueta2 said:
Cancer researchers are linking certain cancers to bacteria and viruses.
The human body has active cancer cells at any given time. The immune system's job is to kill these cancer cells. When the body cannot ward off infections, it leaves the bodies open to cancers.

Any abuse of the immune system will leave the body vulnerable to cancers and other illness.

I also have skin cancer. My skin cancer reared it's ugly head once my immune system when down from lyme disease.
how did they treat your lyme?

I have heard that instead of the typical 14-21 day antibiotic of Doxycycline they are now stating that research shows that 10-14 days provides the same effects.
Mr. dB said:
Well, let's see -- my uncle had skin cancer, my dad had skin cancer, I've had a couple of basal cell carcinomas removed...

Do you mean milenomia (sp?) sorry can't spell it. WOW, have yourself checked if you the sun a lot. Thats a bad one, you literary rot alive. My wife's father had it. Man.............
walliwalibus said:
Do you mean milenomia (sp?) sorry can't spell it. WOW, have yourself checked if you the sun a lot. Thats a bad one, you literary rot alive. My wife's father had it. Man.............

No, I meant what I wrote, Basal Cell Carcinoma. My dad had basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. Carcinoma is very treatable, and seldom is it life threatening. Malignant melanoma is more dangerous. I'm not aware of any of those in the family. My uncle did die from carcinoma though, he let it go so long before seeking treatment that it metastasized. In his final years they were always chopping various pieces of him off, mostly lymph nodes and pieces of his ears. My dad had a squamous cell carcinoma on his scalp that was so big that, when they were through cutting it off, left a softball-sized hole in his scalp all the way to the bone. They didn't know it was that big, so they hadn't prepared a skin graft site, and he had to go two weeks with a hole in his head before he could go back and get it plugged. I'm really pissed about that because it was so disfiguring, and because it was pointless -- he died from leukemia three years later. He would have had a better quality of life if they had just left his scalp alone, they knew what his life expectancy was with the CLL Leukemia. There's no chance that the carcinoma would have done anything over those last few years except grow a bit more, and you couldn't even see it under his hair, and it wasn't painful. Instead, he had to endure the indignity of an ugly bald skin graft on the crown of his head that looked like a rotten yarmulke.

So yeah I have a lot of hatred for cancer.

Oh, my dad had prostate cancer too, but it was successfully treated 20 years before he died. So that's three kinds of cancer. At least there wasn't much cancer on my mom's side of the family, just one great aunt with bone cancer. The rest of them all had heart disease...
Angel said:
how did they treat your lyme?

I have heard that instead of the typical 14-21 day antibiotic of Doxycycline they are now stating that research shows that 10-14 days provides the same effects.

If lyme is caught w/in a few weeks, a 6 week course of doxy is rx'ed. If one has had it for years (undiagnosed) it can take up to 5 yrs on abx to treat.
I've been on antibiotics for close to 4 months now.
You cannot go by the LLAD's recommendation b/c they are off with lyme treatment.
You can check out sites like to read the actual truth on lyme. it's a crazy illness.
blueta2 said:
If lyme is caught w/in a few weeks, a 6 week course of doxy is rx'ed. If one has had it for years (undiagnosed) it can take up to 5 yrs on abx to treat.
I've been on antibiotics for close to 4 months now.
You cannot go by the LLAD's recommendation b/c they are off with lyme treatment.
You can check out sites like to read the actual truth on lyme. it's a crazy illness.
The signs ands symptoms that I have read about are crazy enough...
I was thinking the same thing about the meds, I mean really now I honestly do not believe that only 14-21 days is what is needed as far as long term. But hey that was just my opinion and I have no doctorates to follow what I feel, so in another words my thoughts are dog shit. I was thinking that if Iv antibiotics are necessary than that means that the illness cannot be cured by the typical meds and dosage. Same as in staff n mrsa. Now I know that there are a few good meds that they use for staff, however it is not instantly cured, it takes 5 weeks on the Iv not to mention the prior oral antibiotics..Therefor why is lyme only such a short period..It just did not add up to me
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