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Could use some much needed advice.

I was actually thinking about going to weekly injections anyway because the fricken RN that gives the shots sucks. My gawd all the woman does it give injections you would think she would be able to give one without feeling like I've just had a nail gun shoot me in the side. That's prior to the actual injection which hurts because she is going to fast and then if they werent enough she pushes and leans on it because of the blood.

Im trying to get my doc to allow me to do my own injections at home. I havent asked about the hcg yet. Maybe Im paranoid but I don't want him thinking I'm juicing it up.

Oh and btw the injections are way better then that gel. I havent even begun to get into heavy work outs and, with out asking, people are already noticing a difference.

Just edit for adding more information.

I wanted to ask this so I could see if I need to speak with my doc..... Which I should probably do anyway...

I have been noticing a day or two prior to my injections I start to get a headache. lol... ok... I try to get my injections every monday. But like this week I was not able to get into the hospital for the injection until today (Wednesday). Now I have this raging migraine and its not going to get any better until I have that injection. Then it usually resolves its self in a few hours.

What gives?
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hcg can be part of HRT and it's prescribed by many doctors , u don't need to be a big time juicer to use hcg. and yes try to convince ur doc to do ur own shots at home.
i dunno if ur headaches r necessarily from the test drop at the end of the week but u may try to divide the dose to 2 weekly half doses, shot on monday and thursday for example, it'll solve many problems concerning E2 peaking and test dropping below baseline, u'll have more stable levels in ur blood. in case u start HCG and wanna keep injecting once a week just keep doing it on mondays and do 250 iu hcg on saturdays and sundays , the 2 days b4 ur next shot, they'll help u prevent the fall while producing some of ur endo test.
HCG will give your boys a nice full feeling and get you sexally active again,you can also try HCGenerate From NTBM it take about a week to work but personally i love the stuff!

can you take this instead of HCG? it would be nice to be able to just take needto's stuff. thanks in advance!
This is a GREAT effin' post guys... I've been lurking on here a while...just had the blood drawn...will know on TUESDAY what my T levels (and other levels are).

My deal is this: though I am going through DOC, who may prescribe Test, I really feel like dosing myself.... espeically since I ran test with primo a while back (like..4 years ago)...for ONE 8 week cycle... the gains I made...muscularly...I STIL have signs of! But alas, age is taking it's I'm getting back on the prorgram. FOR LIFE.

What's the MOST test you can do weekly without suffering estrognic effects? And what's the best Anti-E out now? Thanks guys... GREAT freakin' post!
This is a GREAT effin' post guys... I've been lurking on here a while...just had the blood drawn...will know on TUESDAY what my T levels (and other levels are).

My deal is this: though I am going through DOC, who may prescribe Test, I really feel like dosing myself.... espeically since I ran test with primo a while back (like..4 years ago)...for ONE 8 week cycle... the gains I made...muscularly...I STIL have signs of! But alas, age is taking it's I'm getting back on the prorgram. FOR LIFE.

What's the MOST test you can do weekly without suffering estrognic effects? And what's the best Anti-E out now? Thanks guys... GREAT freakin' post!
it depends on the individual , some can shoot a gram of test/w without having any estro sides and others can suffer from just 250mg/w, u have to see it urself, usually beginners starts between 350 and 500 mg and go from there.
best anti-e in my opinion is aromasin (exemestane 25mg) 2 or 3 halves pills (12.5mg) per week will do the trick.
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