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Burn More FAT on LIPOFLAME™ Modern and Intelligent Fat Burning.

Re: Burn 40% more FAT on LIPOFLAME™ Modern and Intelligent Fat Burning.

Wow C3 thanks again :)

Time is limited but I would write a poem of appreciation to you as a if I could :)

thanks SOOO much Sir!
Re: Burn 40% more FAT on LIPOFLAME™ Modern and Intelligent Fat Burning.

Delinquent said:
Ah ok sorry then. As I said, I rarely come over here so I hadnt' heard of the product. Looking forward to hearing some feedback once more people have tried it for an extended period of time

Sir please don't EVER worry about questioning or just inquiring
We are here for you not the other way around, and further I am just a member like you.

Members have been very kind and gracious to us to allow the sharing of product on the board and also the fortune of direct interaction.
AGXsports is l very lucky.

On our side we spend some time on the Products and are proud to be able to share contributions which seem to be effective for many, of course this is not always the case.
Re: Burn 40% more FAT on LIPOFLAME™ Modern and Intelligent Fat Burning.

So I started my LIPOflame this morning at around 11:30 am. I took 3 caps as Omega suggested. Hectic day so I didnt go to the gym just did some sit ups, crunches and jumped rope at home.

At 3 caps I was pretty good on the sweating but when I was active, I was that whore in the church that c3 mentioned. Insane...

Appetite control: more than amazing. I have to be honest, I haven't had a desire to touch food all day long, I had to force myself to eat something which is great for me. I have to be careful because it I haven't had anything more than a salad all day long and I have been up and about for 10 hours already.

I took my second dose around 7:00 pm and have been drinking water all day. Gotta remember to stay hydrated.

Omega, so far I am a believer and it is only day 1. I shared my good find with a few friends so hopefully that helps with feedback from various types of users.
Omega, I didn't see a combo package yet for the two to combine shipping so I just ordered two Amp02 and two lipoflame separately. Looking forward to trying it out!
Hello Sir :)

1) Stacks with Amplify02, LIPOFLAME, and RawMCC will be ready when the new Amplify02 comes in.

2) We will refund any fees back to you that are "extra"

3) Also when the Amplify02 goes out, will will issue a 10% PreOrder Discount back to your payment choice you used which will be dispersed the day Amplify02 goes out :)
im doing 6 pills a day and i am a sweaty nightmare doing my cardio....i feel tight and my waist is getting smaller.
Re: Burn 40% more FAT on LIPOFLAME™ Modern and Intelligent Fat Burning.

At 6 caps a day, all at once in the AM:

+ mood lift
+ temperature increase (slight when sedentary, significant during exercise)
+ appetite suppression
+ no wired or jittery feelings
+ energy increase

I've been taking it five days so far, so I can't really speak about any definite fat loss yet. However, I am purposefully not changing anything about my routine and I'm not using any cutting anabolic androgenic steroids or other weight-loss products of any kind.

I do use 8 Amp02 before my lifting though, and I am in week 3 of using the original Dermacrine (4 lotion pumps a day).
Re: Burn 40% more FAT on LIPOFLAME™ Modern and Intelligent Fat Burning.

orat said:
At 6 caps a day, all at once in the AM:

I do use 8 Amp02 before my lifting though, and I am in week 3 of using the original Dermacrine (4 lotion pumps a day).

wow, i was wondering how that would all stack, i've used them all.. and that must be a crazy good feeling..


amplify 02

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