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Anadrol how much should I take??

To get the best results from adrol, you have to eat. 5k calories. If you don't do that you won't see the 20 lbs gained everyone talks about with adrol. As far as test goes, 1 g is plenty. I run typically 400-800 a week. A gram and adrol 50 you got to be careful, you could put on bad weight quickly. Make sure if you are eating that many calories get it from the good food sources. You will grow and be fine. Definitely use an AI taking that much test
Bro start the first week with 50 mg a day 25 in the am 25 2 hrs preworkout n see how you feel. If you don't have any headaches, problems eating ect. I'd bump the dose to 75 or 100 for the last 3 weeks. 75 - 100 mg of anadrol would be much more affective than 50 by along shot. If it were me I'd take 25mg in the am 75mg 2 hrs pre workout..... Talk about a boost, I love anadrol preworkout, and your running test with it so splitting doses throughout the day would be less of importence. You'd have your highest bloodlevels during and after training which in my opinion you'll get the best results with this compound.
Ok thanks heaps guys I'll be starting in the next week or so I'll let you's know how it's going hopefully I can control my anger hahaha
Started a cycle of Test and eq, on my 11th week, I kickstarted with adrol. After a week and a half, I would get 2-3 nosebleeds every day. Almost everytime I would deadlift and squat, and even just sitting at home or driving in my truck. The shit is potent bro.

Was my first time with it, and although the strength and size was amazing, next time I will most likely go back to dbol. Much rather feel like a king then feel like shit on the drol.
Hi I'm starting my 4th course and need some advise on how much anadrol I should take, I'm using it as a kick start for my test e only cycle I just bought 50, 50mg caps not sure if I should take one or two a day for best results and if 50 will be enough? I'd love to run it all the way threw my cycle but I know it's not realistic so I'll settle for 3-4 weeks unless someone can twist my arm an tell me I can run it for the whole thing hahaha,, honestly though at what mg daily will I get full potential from anadrol

I haven't trained in about 2 months due to a knee reconstruction but keen to hit it again asap I'm getting fat haha
I'm 90kg 25 years old and last time I checked I was 10% body fat (I'd say it's gone up a bit) can anyone help me

I wouldnt take anything at all until you have been back in the gym and had nutrition in order
for 3-4 solid months.
I've been doing stuff at home push ups and sit-ups every morning and hit the gym a week or so ago still got a lot of strength there chest 75kg and back 80kg 70kg shoulder press all these machines are single handed not joined together.. Also I have used anadrol before but it was liquid and I kind of abused it to the point I was lifting 200kg on decline 5 reps didn't get any nose bleeds though..
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